Friday, November 28, 2008

Need crew

Date: 2008-11-27, 7:48PM

Why is it that people keep posting for free work? PLEASE flag all posts asking for free or less than minimum wage. This would slowly give these un-professional people the idea that unfair pay isn't going to be tolerated. Any post talking about pay later, jobs in the future, or some kind of deferred payment are generally untrue. How about a project that says they have SAG actors! Have you gone to the SAG website and read the contract? NO ONE on the film will ever get a deferred payment because any money that is made will go to the actors. And if any money would be going to the crew, then the production would be big enough that they would be paying you in the first place.
Please help us clean this garbage out of our industry. If you want to make a movie or have professionals work for you, then pay for the help. ALSO if you want equipment to come with the person, it becomes a separate charge for that. Those of us that have all the equipment have invested thousands of dollars, some over 100K+. That doesn't come free and you have to pay for it. Just because you aren't using a rental house doesn't mean you get it free.
It takes money to operate in this industry. If you don't have enough money to pay your workers, wait till you have the needed funds to make the project and pay the people what they legally deserve to do the work you are asking.
One last thing, paying a Day rate is a great thing. However, that is for no more than 12 hours, if not decided differently by the person getting hired. After that amount of time overtime should be paid. Working crews over this amount of time per day is unsafe and is not productive. People working past the 12 hour mark start to slow down, start to make bad choices, and are more likely to get hurt, or possibly kill someone or ones self from falls or other unforeseen dangers on set. Don't believe me? Watch the movie "Who needs Sleep" by Haskell Wexler. I only give that example because it is a good one. No other industry gets to work people for free or under minimum wage with out the Department of labor coming down on them. Why should people abuse workers in this one.

Location: Valley
Compensation: Yep the min I have to pay to get someone.


RE: Everything on here (sucks)
Date: 2008-12-10, 7:55PM PST

If you don't have money to pay people, even just a stipend you shouldn't be making a movie/video. You should be getting a job! Bottom line!!!

Everyday ads are getting more and more ridiculous with what people are asking of others.

Call your friends or family if you need a PA, DP or makeup artist and won't pay!!!

* Location: sucks
* Compensation: PLEASE!!!! SOMETHING!!!!??????? (and no, not just pizza on set jerks!)


LOL no talent hacks for $10 (Flag away)
Date: 2008-12-11, 11:13AM PST

Flag as much as you like, it still does not change the fact that you are asking for skilled professionals for $10 an hour so you can look like a big shot Hollywood wannabe with a crappy reel.

I believe someone here once said you can go to Home Depot, and pick a crew for $50 a day. No wonder Hollywood is losing jobs to Canada, and Louisiana, and New Mexico. Dam! even Bollywood pays better then you hacks.

Also I have a red camera you can s*ck me for.

* Location: Flag away
* Compensation: up your a$$


Date: 2008-12-12, 4:14PM PST

I'm a pretentious and arrogant first time director. I'm making my epic screenplay and need all crew to come and work for nothing. Yes, that means the DP must have his own gear, HD RED 35mm all of it with a full lighting and grip truck. Again, I will pay nothing for your time, gear or talent. The shoot will be long 12hr days so you best suck it up.
Compensation is you get a Credit, a copy, a few slices of scratch that, just bring your own lunch. Gas will not be paid either. You figure that out as well.

This movie will hit the festival circuit and I'll go to Sundance because I'm sure my movie is the next Casablanca. This is a great opportunity for me and my own exposure. While on set refer to me as king director. any other names will not be tolerated and you will be immediately fired.
Respond asap as we start shooting tomorrow at 5am.

(sorry, just bored with all the idiots out there)

* Location: HAHAHA
* Compensation: This is not real. But I'm sure somebody will one day put an ad like this on CL and mean it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Photographer needed for model,jewelry,fashion show any events

Date: 2008-11-26, 1:07PM PST

everybody here wants to get a good photographer, but they do not want to pay, they bribe you with "exposure, experience, networking" c'mon ..please give us a little respect... some even post "high end fashion designer or high end show" and yet no budget for photographer? heloooooo!!!

* Location: los angeles


RE-Freebees again!!!! (Cheapville)
Date: 2008-11-26, 2:42PM PST

you got that right. we (graphic designers, photographers, artist,...)need to stick together because without us, these cheap bast***s have NOTHING. maybe there should be a new category called "cheap bastards" in craigslist.

* Location: Cheapville


Thanks losers!!! (morontown!)
Date: 2008-11-26, 2:56PM PST

Everybody thinks that they can come here and get a photographer, videographer, make-up artist, graphic artist and I'm sure I'm missing some, for free!!!!!

This 'band' is offering 2 tickets to go see them 'perform'(!) in return to shoot their no name band... And this 'model' wants to trade photography services because he/she(?) wants nude pictures.... What is the trade????

We only trade when there is a 'return value'... Somebody known, something worth something, not a 2 bit wannabe band or wannabe model!

Wake-up for crying out loud.

It's to a point where brides come here wanting photographers to shoot for the 'opportunity'(!!!LOL) to shoot them!

What the F^&K???

People, take a stand: not only flag these assholes but pretend you're going to go and don't show up...!!!!! That will teach them!

Have a freaking Happy Turkey Day!

* Location: morontown!

Friday, November 21, 2008

regarding "Professional Videographer Needed"

Date: 2008-11-21, 10:07AM PST

I never respond to these things, but this is getting friggin' ridiculous. A hundred bucks to travel to the location with MY gear, shoot for "an hour," then EDIT down to 1 minute final product (delivered how? DVD, quicktime, compressed for what?... more time on my end)-- and you're paying $100 bucks?

Get a clue. Get a camcorder and your nephew's imac and do it yourself.

This is insulting, uninformed and you WILL NOT find anyone to take you up on this.

WANTED: Professional PRODUCERS who have an idea of how things work and respect for professional work.

Take a hike.

* Location: LA

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Professional Videographer Needed (L.A.)
Date: 2008-11-21, 9:49AM PST

A dynamic new media company is seeking talented, professional videographer to produce an HD business review video for the internet in L.A. area. Shoot time on location will be 1 hour, and the edited video will be 1 minute in length. Please email your equipment and example videos for consideration. Thanks!

* Location: L.A.
* Compensation: $100/video

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fair Creative Gigs

Date: 2008-11-20, 1:30PM PST

(I'm hiring for a for a short-term, small, or odd job) (small design, photography, illustration projects)

These two statements (above) are Craig's List own definition and/or qualifications for what SHOULD be listed in Creative Gigs.

This posting may soon get flagged by those wanting to abuse the system and they will learn about Karma soon enough. Flagging this will only facilitate me re-posting it at the top of the list so, flag on.

Gigs implies a PAID job, and it is reasonable that some jobs may be paid for with trades and or other services, still, there is a section for BARTER. But it is reasonable that some gigs need to be placed in the creative section when payment is a trade just to find the appropriate audience.

There is a TALENT section for models, dancers, and other TALENT.

There is a Writer’s section.

There is a CREW section for all film crew positions, including DP’s, Directors, Hair & Make-up etc.

Design includes design gigs as stated and are not limited to marketing, fine art and so on, but that doesn’t seem to fit a Producer or someone to INVEST in your dreams. Adding the word Creative in front of a Receptionist Position doesn’t make it appropriate to be listed here.

Craig’s List is Self-Police-ing so it is up to responsible people to FLAG inappropriate listings. It is also responsible not to flag appropriate listings, a 2-way street.

Some days I go through a dozen listings that include anything but what is appropriate for this section.

Internships should be PAID by California LAW, they are not a Gig, but rather a Job. Any listing looking to hire anyone in the Gigs section is just an attempt to circumvent Craig’s List fees and procedures for help wanted ads and should be flagged, this is not the place for help wanted ads. If you are looking for any kind of an employee, you ad doesn’t belong here.

The situation will only get worse if we do not FLAG APPROPRIATELY and then it will serve no one well, a victim of the dark side of human nature.

Anyone working for free is doing the whole community a disservice not to mention facilitating their own self-abuse. Word to the wise... If you will work for free in LA/Hollywood, you will work for free in LA/Hollywood.

If we allow the abuse to continue it will only get worse until it renders Craig’s List ineffective. Before this happens, Craig’s List will be forced to initiate posting policies to better regulate the site. This will cost money and Craig’s List will no longer be free. This will be a loss for everyone.

No hate needed, just be fair and reasonable.


* Location: Los Angeles
* Compensation: The payoff is realized by action

Intern vs. Volunteer (Defined)

Date: 2008-11-19, 9:59PM PST

Just for clarification:

An INTERN works for college credit as a form of payment. Some even get money on top of the credit. Some may even call it an apprenticeship.

A VOLUNTEER works for free as a way to help out or learn something.

If you want a P.A. to help for free, ask them what department they want to learn about and put them in that one. That way they get something out of the experience and don't just get the Student Director water on set. Then wait three years for their copy of the DVD.

* Location: Defined

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Date: 2008-11-15, 8:29PM PST

I'm so tired of seeing ads for "Professionals" for either Gaffers, DPs or Camera Operators and they expect them to have all the equipment needed.

Guess what?! You apparently don't know that unless they've been in the business for a good while, they RENT equipment, and if they've got equipment, they usually go for PAID jobs.

And apparently people don't understand the jobs themselves. A DP doesn't usually have lights, some do, many don't. A DP designs the aesthetic. A camera operator, Operates the camera according to the instructions from the DP.... and the Gaffer is the one who sets up the lights to light the scene to how the DP wants it.

And for Gods Sake, Pay the goddamn crew!!!! You expect so much for nothing. The expertise of the DP, the camera, the lenses, the filters, the matte box, the monitor,the lights, the stands, stingers, flags, bounce boards. Hell might as well ask for a whole studio for free.

* Location: dumbF***ville

Friday, November 14, 2008

Meals, No Pay

Date: 2008-11-14, 12:04PM PST

Come on now People! Really. So many of you are asking people to donate there time and energy to your projects, all for free?

Oh wait, there's "the chance to work with a experience/professional crew"!?

The least you could do is offer to pay gas money!!!

So let me spend the little money I have on gas, in order to get to where ever your project is, work for free all day, and hope that maybe your going to have some good craft services?! The only really good craft services i've ever had, were on projects that actually had a budget!

Yeah right people!! Oh yeah, don't forget to send your resume and references.

* Location: Everywhere

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Creative Gigs

Date: 2008-11-06, 5:01PM PST

What the hell is wrong with you "job"/"gig" posters requesting experienced and talented artists/designers/photographers/musicians to work for free or a pittance. We still need to keep a roof over our heads and feed our families- just like you do. And in the current state of the economy it's that much harder. How would you feel if someone expected or felt entitled to the service or goods you provide, but felt that they weren't worth paying for?
We've put in our time and money to develop our professional talents. We deserve to make a living with them, just as you deserve to make a living with what it is you do! Please stop the insulting b.s.!!
Pay a fair wage for our expertise!

* Location: Los Angeles