Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Photographers, U N I T E . . . . . .

Date: 2008-06-23, 7:20PM PDT

To all photographers: STOP WORKING FOR FREE.
Never before did photographers work assignments for free. If you are building your portfolio, work on a commission, percentage basis. Do not work for free. These companies, 'artists' are there to make a buck. Please, let it not be on your time and talent!
You are only hurting yourself. And the industry.
Daily rate used to be in the thousands of dollars. Now, you're lucky when you can get $1,000.00-$1,200.00 a day.
Good luck, and hold your ground!!!!!!

* Location: Los Angeles


Photographers U N I T E, part 2 (Los Angeles)
Reply to: pierre@pierrecomtois.com
Date: 2008-06-24, 6:14PM PDT

Good afternoon.
No matter what your level is or what field of photography you are in, NEVER work an assignment for free. That means if somebody needs the services, they have to pay for it. It doesn't matter what kind of photography it is, because there is money to be made by a photographer!!!
if you are starting, you obviously need to practice. Do it with and for people that don't need it!!! Headshots? Friends... Products? You buy and return, or you shoot what your friends or family just bought...
If you give it for free, then it is worth nothing... And then people start thinking that photography is worth nothing, and we are where we are now. You will hurt yourself anyway, because people will think that it is not worth much, because people on Craigslist are doing it for cheap or free... We need to educate people, buyers and sellers alike.
So, please, always charge for your services. You are building a career, not a hobby!!!

* Location: Los Angeles
* Compensation: education

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