Thursday, July 17, 2008


Date: 2008-07-17, 11:29AM PDT

Why does this town think that all Art Department people should work for free? Get it out of your heads that property, scenics, designers, construction and set dressers should work for credit?!? It's as hard if not harder than any other person on set and requires more fine skills.

DON'T POST IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO PAY. Get a PA, but then again, you'd probably pay a PA.

* Compensation: PAY EVERYONE


Date: 2008-07-17, 4:25PM PDT

I agree with everything you have to say - - please don't expect us to work for free. We have worked really hard to hone our skills and it requires a touch and sensibility that not every monkey with a color wheel has. Additionally - how does everyone expect the PD to work alone, drive a huge truck, work all night to get dressing onto the set and stay alive in the process! These jobs always end up being a rush to put something in front of the camera, and really never end up allowing for true design. Have some respect.

* Location: art dept

RE: Looking for experience as PA? (brainless)

Date: 2008-07-17, 4:00PM PDT

$10 a day? Do you gleefully cackle like some mad scientist while you post ads like these?

$10 a day? That's not even an Internship. That's insulting.

I would ask if you are out of your mind but I am sure I know the answer to that one.

Please flag this message as 'Best of Craigslist' unless you actually enjoy the prospect of working for $10 a day.

* Location: brainless
* Compensation: your dignity

Original Post:

Looking for experience as PA? (LA/Valley)
Date: 2008-07-17, 3:22PM PDT

Very low budget short film needs a few good PA's next week. Please email resume or brief description of skills & experience, and I will happily get back to you with more info about the film and specific dates, locations, etc.

* Location: LA/Valley
* Compensation: $10 a day (gas) + meals

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pay for Your Photographer People!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 2008-07-15, 9:50PM PDT

Here's a thought..... Photographer's don't work for free!!!! Get a clue people! You don't work for free and neither do we!

So you'll give us exposure... Wow! I wonder if I can make my car payment with that!

Oh, and let's not forget the people who will feed us instead of pay us! Hmm... Should we roll over and play fetch for you too?

And last but not least.... All you wantabe models, actors or whatever you call yourselves, enough with the tfp!

How about ttp! (time to pay!)

* Location: La La Land
* Compensation: You work for free and see how you like it!

Monday, July 14, 2008

RE: FYI Producers, make up artists,

Date: 2008-07-14, 1:23PM

heres a little something for ADs having a seperate make up and hair person cuts trailer time in half, might be worth the extra money huh?
If you dont a pay a kit fee, dont get upset when there are NO disposables on set i.e sponges wipes skin care, hygene, sunscreen etc.
Original post
i know this site is mainly used by low budget/student films looking for crews, so i'm going to fill you in on some key things yu should know:
1.Make-up and Hair: 2 different people and jobs. don't assume we do both. most do not. (fun fact: when trying to gets days towards the Local 706 union, if someone is credited as make-up AND hair, only half the days count towards qualifying.)
2.kit fee: be prepared to pay it,even if you're not paying a day rate. a kit fee is to replace disposables and product used on set (sponges,baby wipes,product,etc). think of it as renting a car and having to return it with the same amount of gas as you took it off the lot with. why should that $ come out of our pockets- it's your little movie.
3.Time: Don't expect us to be able to make a full body monster costume in 2 days with $100 budget. with this stuff, you get what you pay for.
i'm not trying to be snotty or anything, but after reading dozens of adds for makeup artists, all making these mistakes, i just felt i had to mention it. because its not fair to us. So, good luck with everyones projects, and hopefully we'll all get to work on big budget shows so we don't even have to look at this website for gigs anymore!!!!!!!!

Location: hollywould
Compensation: get what you pay for :-)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

RE:Editor Needed for Band's US Tour Footage on HD

Date: 2008-07-12, 11:02AM PDT

Guys, you probably know something about music, but let me educate you a little about editing.

You're asking someone to take 200 hours of footage, edit 30 webisodes (5 minutes each), one trailer and one music video... and you need it in TWO weeks, paying TWO grand?

200 hours of footage is 4 full time weeks. (How could you even shoot so much in eleven weeks? Rolling camera non-stop 6 hours a day with no weekends?) Experienced editor will not sit and watch all of it, but even to familiarize himself with it and log properly he needs at least a week!

30 episodes, 5 minutes each make 150 minutes. It's over two hours of screening time, like big ass feature. You know how long feature film takes to edit? Two months minimum, and this is with script, camera logs, circled takes etc. You have random documentary footage, and you want it MTV style, that is 1/2 sec. cuts and staff? Multiply time by 4.

Music video is HUGE piece of work (if done right) as well as a trailer. Each takes 2-4 weeks of work.

But most you need to know is how much you should pay to someone, who knows the craft and has the equipment. The lowest CL rate is $25/hr, and this is to someone who is still student and will be learning as he goes (multiply your time by 3). Someone with experience will charge $40-$100/hr (DOE)

So, please change your unrealistic expectations or be prepared to fail miserably.

Clients, please read and don't humiliate creative talent with your offers.
Editors, don't pick up jobs which bring down prices and quality. We deserve to be paid well for our good work.

* Location: Venice

Re:RE:Editor Needed for Band's US Tour Footage on HD

Date: 2008-07-13, 1:05PM PDT

I completely agree with you. The problem is there are so many editors that are willing to work for $10-$15/hour that brings the value of editors down. Of course they are amateurs, so the client will get what they pay for, but it actually hurts all of us. If we would all agree to work for a minimum amount then we could actually make a change. Just my two cents...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

re: copy, credit, and meals as compensation (Seriously)

Date: 2008-07-10, 11:24AM PDT

Who are you people? First of all, do it yourself if it's such a great project to work on. Second, don't ask for experienced professionals to work for no pay. Third, we don't want a copy or credit for your stupid project that won't help our reel be any more professional because your project isn't professional.

Get real.

Pay the people you need to make your stupid project. If it was so great or professional it would have a budget!

Note to newcomers: Do not work for these people. It does not help you gain any real experience, unless you are looking to find out how NOT to run a production.

* Location: Seriously
* Compensation: going professional rate

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

FREE Photoshoot for Barter??

Date: 2008-07-01, 2:49PM

Does anyone here NOT respect the art and skill of photography? Just because we are working "freelance" does not mean that we do not take our work seriously, and should not be respected as such.
Why are there so many TFCD or NO Pay ads here? Are we not to be paid for all of our hard work, years of experience, photoshop editing skills, and carrying around all of our EXPENSIVE professional gear?
Do you all really think we do this just for fun, or that because it is somewhat of a hobby of ours that we should not be paid!?! Seriously, if our work was not really worth anything, you'd have your best friend's mom snap a couple of your "modeling" pics with her point and shoot camera...but no, you don't want that! You want professional grade work for FREE, TRADE or CREDITS!! Who cares about credits if you're an up-and-coming "model"?!?! We don't even know who you are, so why would your "credits" offer be of any value to us?
We want to be PAID for our hard work and services that you seek!!!
So please, stop with the disrespect, and offer us fair compensation for our skills that you so desire, and stop trying to devalue it be offering credits, or "FUTURE DEALS".....get real!!

Location: LA, LB and OC
Compensation: There should ALWAYS be Pay!!!

Re: Production Crew

Date: 2008-07-01, 2:52PM

Seems like a bad idea to "work" for someone who's only willing to pay some members of their crew. Last time I checked, the make-up artist, wardrobe supervisor, art director, key grip, gaffer, sound mixer and yes even the prop master (no they don't work for the Art Director, they work with the Production Designer to carry out their vision, but are in charge of their own crew, much like Gaffer works with the Director of Photography) were all Key Positions, and as such, should all be paid equally. On the last show I was on, that was about $36/hr. for the first 8, then the overtime kicked in.
Work for whomever you want, just remember there's a reason they only pay some of the crew.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Production Crew
Reply to:
Date: 2008-07-01, 1:33PM PDT

Ultimax Films is seeking the following crew members for a short thriller to be shot from July 18 through July 20 in the Westwood area:
Line Producer, paid
Script supervisor, no pay
Assistant director, no pay
Sound mixer, paid
Property master, no pay
Craft service personnel, no pay
Caterer, paid
Wardrobe, no pay
Make-up artist, paid
Special Effects make-up artist, paid
Production assistants, no pay
Art director, no pay
Director of photography, paid
Grip/gaffer, no pay

Location: Los Angeles