Thursday, July 17, 2008

RE: Looking for experience as PA? (brainless)

Date: 2008-07-17, 4:00PM PDT

$10 a day? Do you gleefully cackle like some mad scientist while you post ads like these?

$10 a day? That's not even an Internship. That's insulting.

I would ask if you are out of your mind but I am sure I know the answer to that one.

Please flag this message as 'Best of Craigslist' unless you actually enjoy the prospect of working for $10 a day.

* Location: brainless
* Compensation: your dignity

Original Post:

Looking for experience as PA? (LA/Valley)
Date: 2008-07-17, 3:22PM PDT

Very low budget short film needs a few good PA's next week. Please email resume or brief description of skills & experience, and I will happily get back to you with more info about the film and specific dates, locations, etc.

* Location: LA/Valley
* Compensation: $10 a day (gas) + meals

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