Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why do I have to own expensive equipment to work?

Date: 2008-09-30, 7:57PM PDT

Do you low budget guys realize that there are equipment rental houses out there? Many that are more than willing to offer you a GREAT deal on a camera or lighting package.

Hire the BEST GUY with the BEST RESUME/REEL then RENT the equipment!!! Not doing so might get you shitty labor on a nice camera. Many of the BEST GUYS might even have a relationship with a rental house and be able to get you discounts!!

To the next production that hires only equipment owners to shoot their films....may the film gods send you an 18 year old with rich parents and no artistic vision.


C'mon guys.

* Compensation: Waste of money and time. Reshoot city!!!

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