Sunday, March 15, 2009


Date: 2009-03-15, 7:47AM PDT

I am a freelancer with 10 years experience and I look at Craigslist everyday to pick up work if I can.
I always reply to posts that pertain to my services and send resume, reel link, rate, availability and whatever else they ask for.
You would think the least the poster could do is respond to everyone who sent them info and once they have filled the position to delete the ad.
They probably don't teach manners at the expensive film schools, just how to jerk people around!

But I guess I shouldn't expect too much since most the Craigslist ads are crappy gigs with low pay and no respect for your time or you as a human being.

What a shame!

* Location: RUDEVILLE


RE : Decency / Rudeness (Hollywood)
Date: 2009-03-15, 10:01AM PDT

"You would think the least the poster could do is respond to everyone who sent them info and once they have filled the position to delete the ad. "

And what exactly is that supposed to accomplish ? Seriously ? I'd love to understand what the thinking is here, I'm not getting it.

I see these same "please acknowledge my application" ads every week. What ?

This is not 1959 or even 1989, and people do not send hand typed formal query letters on watermarked linen letterhead by US Postal Service to be acknowledged by a similar letter from a secretary.

There's a massive army of overqualified competition for any film related position in Los Angeles, and if you have been doing this 10 years you surely have seen the whole thing change during that period of time.

* Location: Hollywood


Date: 2009-03-15, 11:35AM PDT

As someone who has placed job ads here...I can tell you from experience... you can't respond to everyone, there is usually an overwhelming response to begin with. Not to mention that many responses are so rediculous they don't warrant a response in the first place. SO once you've placed an ad you will understand. It's not about rudeness, it's weeding through, picking the most suitable applicant and that's it!

* Location: Rudeville


RE: Decency and Manners (rudeville?)
Date: 2009-03-15, 12:17PM PDT

Everyone is right that posters get hundreds of responses. This is what i don't get. I receive phone calls all the time and someone says, "hey this is brian, you responded to my craigs list posting? Are you still available to work?" I then reply, "on what? where? when? and for how much? what camera are we shooting on? who's the DP? who's directing? are these day or night shoots? who the hell am I talking to?"

Listen up producers/directors/whoever is posting these jobs... If you receive 200 responses. And you're calling ONE person back, then statistically I, as an average freelancer, have to apply to about 200 jobs for every call back I get. Now it's not quite that bad, but if I apply to 4-5 things every day and I assume it takes producers a few days to go through responses, then there's a possibility of you being from any one of about 20 jobs that I applied to. When you call to hire me, have some professionalism. Give me some info that was in the post so I know what job you're talking about. Give me more info that wasn't in your post. Tell me something about your shoot. Remember you're not doing a favor to freelances by offering them work. We're doing a favor to you by giving our excellent services for your (usually) low ball rate.

To the original poster, get over yourself. This is criagslist, not CAA. If you don't get a thanks but no thanks email just keep moving down the list.

* Location: rudeville?

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