Saturday, May 23, 2009

Producers and Crew

Date: 2009-05-22, 11:31PM PDT

Dear Producers and Crew,

It is time for all Non Union crew people to terminate working for meals, experience, and credit! If you read this message, "You Are The Resistance."

If your a low budget producer, PAY us at least min. wage, which is $8.00 an hour or $112.00 for a 12 hour work / 14 hour paid day, plus our equipment rates or box rentals. Some of us might even consider investing our equipment rentals and box rentals as an investment into your film for ownership and some control.

If you have something of value, like a red camera or gear and would like to trade services... I am even open to bartering.

John Connor

* Location: Los Angeles
* Compensation: 112.00 to 1,200.00 a day


Producers and Crew (Hollywood)

Date: 2009-05-23, 11:20AM PDT

John Connor is exactly right. Those of you working for free think that you are advancing your careers. In reality you're just washing out the job market and driving down wages. Essentially you are collectively ruining your chances to make a living in this industry.

Secondly, the mass of refuse that is able to be produced only through these means is flooding the oceans of content. There is so much media junk out there that, for the truly talented to be noticed will take a feat of ever growing, gigantic proportions. Yes people, you are building your own mountain (to climb).

* Location: Hollywood
* Compensation: meal copy and a dream

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