Monday, December 28, 2009

To all the bottom feeders...

Date: 2009-12-28, 3:57PM PST

To all of you "haters" who hate crew members so much that you're unwilling to pay a livable wage for the jobs you list, good by.

You're not wanted here, you're not needed here, go offer your exploitation elsewhere.

It is illegal to hire someone to work at a job without paying them.

It is illegal to call a job an "internship" in order to avoid paying the state and federal minimum wages.

It is illegal to pay someone with "credit, copy, and meals".

Not only are all of the above illegal, they are also immoral and insulting to the people who actually do the work that you bottom feeders can't do.

A gig is a short term JOB, not an opportunity for you immoral fuckheads to get out of paying people to work on on crappy little personal projects. If you can't afford to pay your crew, go out and get yourself a job and earn the money to do so.

Location: Pasadena
Compensation: Invaluable advice

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