Sunday, August 28, 2011


Date: 2011-08-28, 9:30PM PDT

times are hard guys, i know this in the wrong section but times are hard. I hope you understand that times are hard.

I am a professional videographer shooting on a gopro video camera. I have perfected a technique where I attach the camera to my head, and can use my body to do hollywood level crane and steadicam shots. Because of this, I can save your production money, as there will literally be no actual costs.... in fact, I will pay you to hire me. I will pay you to hire me because I know that your concept is ahead of its time, and there are hundreds of people who will back it once they see it paired with my wonderfully artistic upside down standing cart wheel merry go round posterized signature shot.... there will be a little bit of shake, but that is okay, because in imovie there is this effect called stabilizer and it makes everything smooth! Actually I have just upgraded to final cut pro x, and it also has this feature... but better, because its called final cut pro. This is what you get when you hire me - cutting edge technology, and forward thinking.... industry level knowledge.

Is your project in seattle? No problem, I have a car I will drive there, because I believe in you that much. What? You don't have a car? That is okay, I will drive you there... in fact, put the actors in the back seat, I just had this idea - I can put the gopro backwards on my head, and shoot a scene and buy you coffee and give you a handjob all at the same time as we drive. Innovation. Wait, what?! Your project is a web commercial for your laundromat in seattle and you want to bluescreen it? OMG, it has always been my dream to shoot laundromat web commercials, imagine the experience I will accumulate. This is so much better than staying home, and writing my own script or spec commercial and shooting it. OMFG breakfast, dinner, lunch.... PIZZA? I FUCKING LOVE PIZZA!!!!

Location: vancouver
Compensation: -1000 day rate, -500 half day

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

to those looking for a makeup artist

Date: 2011-08-24, 5:42PM PDT

Makeup Artists have to pay rent too!!!! Why does everyone think we can work for free??????
We have a skill which the average person does not have and some of us went to school to
learn it as well, just like DP's, PA's, Directors, etc...

Stop asking for FREE MAKEUP ARTISTS!!!

We do not want to put your ugly or half way okay looking person in our book or on our website!!!!!
Get us a REAL NYC MODEL and a GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER if you want TFCD/TFP!!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

Location: everywhere

Crazy Low Rates for DPs

Date: 2011-08-24, 6:03PM PDT

I know times are tough, but when you offer a DP, even a new kid with a camera, $30 or $50 to shoot your video, even for a few hours, you are proving to be an ignorant douche.

You cannot rent any camera for that, which is why you offer that rate in the firstplace, and you are shocked when you are flagged down repeatedly.

Shoot your lame shit on your iPhone, and spend the $50 on yourself... an hour of therapy to find out why you are a dick.

Offer at least $100-150 for a green shooter for a few hours, 2-3 bills for a day, and expect anyone with credits to be at least 3-500+ per day, every day, any day. And guess what ? those are the REAL rates people DO get paid on indie work in L.A. today.

Wise up, wise asses.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I have an Idea

Date: 2011-08-19, 11:24PM PDT

So since no one wants to pay people to work... I think we should just respond to the jobs and just not show up or do a really half assed job.... Maybe then they will learn that in order to get reliable as well as talented people to work for them .... they should pay. I mean what do I have to lose? Money? Nope! A great contact? Why would I want to stay in contact with someone that can't pay? so no loss there either... These guys always complain about how someone flaked on them so they need someone ASAP to replace them but sorry NO PAY. Maybe if you start paying people to work you will find more reliable/talented people will apply.... just a thought...

Location: anywhere

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Re: Director of Photography

Date: 2011-08-10, 6:28PM PDT

This is still illegal. You can't ask someone to work for you for free in the state of California.

Just to restate: The promise of future work and credit cannot be turned into currency.

And what's with the "hypertensive atmosphere"? Are you gonna give everyone high blood pressure before shooting?

If you want to hire a professional, pay a decent rate. If you can't pay, shoot it yourself.

Location: anywhere but here


Director of Photography
Date: 2011-08-10, 5:23PM PDT

I am looking for a professional camera man or woman who is willing to shoot in a hypertensive atmosphere. There is no pay, but the person will be credited under crew when the projects are finished and if the camera operating is done well, jobs with pay will follow. I need someone who has studied cinematography in some form, even if you are self taught, please do not think you are professional if you have made a couple of films with a low standard camcorder, at least be familiar with professional video cameras, for example a sony hdr fx-1000. Terminology is important in this business so hopefully you know what aperture, gain, and focus do to a sequence in a film or series. Remember I am not expecting tons of work shown on a resume, just someone who really enjoys film making!!! Thanks for reading this post!!!
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Compensation: no pay

Saturday, August 6, 2011

NEWSFLASH: PAs pay rent too! (not on your set)

Date: 2011-08-06, 4:08PM PDT

Copy, credit, meals don't pay my student loans, my car insurance (oh right, all PAs have to have cars too, remember?!), or my rent.

"connections" (AKA people I will never hear from again) don't keep food in my fridge.

Stop insulting us - we spend years working for little and going to school - our time is worth money, just like anybody else's is.

I can guarantee that you will NEVER catch me applying for unpaid work. If you have any interest in being able to survive in this city, you should do the same.

Location: not on your set
Compensation: No pay, but copy, meals and credit are just as good as money, RIGHT?!


Date: 2011-08-06, 6:47PM PDT

My last post was deleted, but thank you to those who replied. Basically, everyone needs to get educated on how the system works. Know your rights, if they offer less than $112/day, than they don't have the money to make anything of quality anyway. So in the experience you think you are gaining, you are actually gaining bad experience, with improper tools to do the job, which in turn, hurts your reputation. Too many people are pretending to be producers, and they don't know what they are doing. They would never ask the bagger at the grocery store to work for less than he already makes, but if the bagger made less, groceries would be cheaper, which in turn saves him money and allows him to get more bang for his buck. THEY ARE TREATING YOU LIKE PEASANT, UNSKILLED LABORERS, BUT THEY WANT YOU TO MAKE THEM RICH!!!! You wouldn't go and ask the janitor making $9 dollars and hour to work on your movie, even though he's strong, moves furniture all the time, can clean, and has an attention to detail. BUT THEY WILL ASK A SKILLED PERSON IN A POSITION THAT NOT EVERYONE CAN DO, TO WORK FOR UNPAID OVERTIME AND AT A RATE THE SAME AS THE JANITOR. WHO IS WINNING HERE!!!!!!???????

In so, in attempts to not be flagged again, I am seeking a Producer. It's a really great script, the crew is wonderful, fresh new minds. I think we really have a good chance of theatrical distribution. It's no pay now, but when we see a profit we will give you a deferred pay, but it depends on your experience. I'm going to need a resume, and some references. Also, you have to be Bi-lingual, and drive a really nice car, because we don't want to rent one to drive our A-List talent back to the airport. Also, can you stay late tonight, we are really looking for team players.
This will be a great networking opportunity though! Happy Hunting, but we will consider students if you have experience and can get credit.

This message should jump out to you and say something immediately. It's no pay now, but "IF" we see a profit, we will share some. That's saying "IF" we don't suck at our job and mess this up, I MIGHT GET RICH!!!!

Compensation: A great internship with a great company


RE: Enough (Hollywood)

Date: 2011-08-06, 7:11PM PDT

The problem is more insidious than you think. It's not only the inexperienced that offer lo to no pay. Experienced and successful producers are now offering little or no pay for many production positions. Why? Because they can get away with it. We have all undercut each other trying to make something instead of nothing in order to stay afloat in the recession. They got quality work for $150, then $100, then $75....$50....and now they ask for the same work for no pay. Unfortunately, the "producers" are bad with math. It's the same kind of exploitation math that created this recession by restructuring out experienced employees and hiring inexperienced people at 1/3 the cost. With this kind of math, they leave people with no money to support themselves, which also means no money to spend on entertainment or anything else. Businesses close. We all lose.
You are absolutely right that it needs to STOP.

Location: Hollywood

Friday, August 5, 2011

Future Compensation....

Date: 2011-08-05, 5:33PM PDT

Seems like a decent day for the rants so why not one more!?! Those looking for work, especially you younger/student types, please stop believing in "future work/compensation" or the "no pay now, but definitely on other projects" Sorry, that NEVER happens. I been doing this for 8 years now and if they don't pay for "this one" trust me, you won't be seeing a dime on the next project and that's if they even remember your name after the project is done... I'm not saying it's impossible or never happens but 99 percent of the time, you won't see any money, back-end or otherwise.

And the other poster is right....Copy, Credit, Meals is TRULY insulting. AND I'm getting sick of people thinking that CL is not a "real way" to get a job or work, that this website is only made for those that need "experience." Bull - I get a solid amount of work from CL but at the same time, I only take PAID work.

Trust me, the sooner people stop taking on freebie jobs, the sooner they will realize, paying for a TALENT is actually the right thing to do.

my 5 cents (which is more than some of these so called "productions" want to pay you for your time, talent, and gear!)

Location: LA
Compensation: there should one can live off of CCM or "future pay"

Re: Young DP Wanted

Date: 2011-08-05, 4:57PM PDT

Am I the only one continually offended by these ads? Why don't you just ask for the moon to be delivered on a silver platter to your doorstep. You want someone with no experience BUT somehow has a camera package and G & E package and reel. Two things strike me about this; you must not care what your project turns out looking like and you're just interested in the equipment, the DP is secondary, which leads back to the first point, you don't want you project to look good. Oh yeah, all for no pay!

I'm sick of this! I've been in the industry for over ten years and these practices are KILLING the industry. You want a decent looking show, hire someone based on their reel, pay them a decent rate and rent some equipment. If you have a "passion"/no money project, shoot it yourself, cameras are cheap. No one will be as passionate about your project as you.

And one last thing: PLEASE stop offering "Copy, Credit and Meals" as payment. It's an insult. These do not pay the rent or even buy a stick of gum.


Young DP Wanted

We are currently seeking a DP for a no-budget TV Pilot Sizzle shoot the last weekend in August. Our ideal DP would have a good understanding of shooting styles commonly used within the comedy genre.

You must have your own camera, and preferably your own lighting gear. We are open to different cameras, but the shoot will be mostly handheld, so we're definitely looking for a DP that's comfortable with that.

If this is you, please respond to this email with your estimated availability in mid-late August and a link to your reel.

Thank you.

Location: Los Angeles, CA
Compensation: no pay