Sunday, November 13, 2011

re: TV reality series looking for crew members / Camera operators

Date: 2011-11-12, 11:24PM PST

DO NOT WORK FOR FREE!!!!!!!!! Any "producer" worth anything should know they need to have a budget in place, even for a pilot. If they can't scrape together enough money to shoot a pilot do you really think they have the means to get you paying work? They state the show will not pay its crew members at this time. How about down the road? Will it pay then? If so, what does it pay? If the show gets picked up you have ZERO guarantee of being hired for the production. Real companies pay crew members, even for pilots.

Original, dumb, stupid, mindless, sleazy post:

Reality show looking for crew members. The first shoot will be in downtown LA on Friday November 18th. . The show will not pay its crew members at this time as this is the pilot shoot. however this will be a great oportunity for exposure in the industry and there could be a possibiity of the producers hiring in future. If you are interested Please email us

Location: Mars
Compensation: is required by law

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