Thursday, January 17, 2013

For the hiring of sound mixers

   Sound mixers get a bum deal. We have to invest over $10k to get decent gear and enough of it to be able to handle the demands of what production wants. We provide a valuable service that is even more important than your picture. Your film has dialogue, people want to hear it and hear it clearly. We try to do that for you despite poor locations, poor wardrobe choices, and sometimes, ridiculous shot composition. A camera crew is exactly that, a crew. Operator, 1st AC, 2nd AC. If there's no 2nd AC then there's damn sure a 1st. Sound mixers are apparently expected to do the job of two people and get paid peanuts for it. In the LA area, the absolute minimum for our services should be $350 per 12 hour day with $250 for a kit fee. Base minimum.

Any asshole with a DSLR can call themselves a DP and show up on set and get paid decently because they have a camera. A 744t recorder is nearly twice the cost of a 5d markIII and a 788 is more so. On top of that, producers want at least 2 wireless, a shotgun mic with great rejection, and comteks so they can hear and complain. Cameras have gotten cheaper but sound equipment hasn't. Don't pay less than minimum wage. $100 a day or $150 a day is garbage. If you have name talent you can afford a rate. You don't go into a store and say, "I want to buy this pair of pants that costs $40 bucks but I've only got $10 so thats what I'm gonna pay you." You want good sound? We are an investment. We buy more equipment so your movie can sound better and we'll work with you often if you do shit right. We can't do that if we're not even making our rent. Everyone has to eat and have a place to stay and have gas to put in our car.

We help people want to watch your movie. A film with terrible sound and a gorgeous picture is still unwatchable, a film with mediocre picture and excellent sound will be watched in its entirety (provided the story is worth it).

Don't insult production sound mixers or boom operators (two separate jobs, by the way) by wanting to pay $150 for a 12 hour day, subway for lunch, and no equipment fee. $350 +$250 kit fee is minimum. If we really really like you, we might do it for less if we're bored. But don't insult us by calling it a job.
  • Location: all of LA
  • Compensation: $350 + $250 kit fee minimum 

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