Tuesday, August 5, 2008

ATT: STEADI-CAM OP. w/ RIG ad from "daytheearthstopped@hotmail.com" -

Date: 2008-08-05, 7:38PM PDT

I just came across this ad from "daytheearthstopped@hotmail.com" below looking for an EXPERIENCED steadicam operator to fly the F900 for $250/day on a feature for 4 days and I am insulted. Number one... no EXPERIENCED operator in their right mind with the rig that can fly the F900 would or should take the job. In order to support the weight and the power consumption of the camera with the necessary wireless focus and maybe a video transmitter your kit has to be worth above $35k unless you are flying a knock off like the basson. At least cover the rental cost... in the minimum range of at least 800/day and maybe... just maybe the $250 for camera operating which will bring it to $1050 and that is nothing because most of us... EXPERIENCED operators with rigs worth $68K don't get out of bed for less than $1500/Day. This is insulting to the steadicam community and the men and women that carry 70bl rigs for hours in order to execute the shots your script need and above all... it diminish what our services are worth. This makes me question the person who posted the ad looking for a cheap EXPERIENCED operator.

Am I wrong here?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>STEADI-CAM OP. w/ RIG needed for feature film (Los Angeles)
Reply to: daytheearthstopped@hotmail.com
Date: 2008-08-05, 3:58PM PDT

We are currently looking for an experienced STEADI-CAM operator with their own rig to fly a Sony F900 for 4 days on a feature film, shooting in the last week of August. We can offer $250 per day, plus meals.

* Compensation: $250

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