Thursday, October 2, 2008

Camera Ops--DV, Broadcast, HDV, please read!

Date: 2008-10-02, 11:36AM PDT

We say this all the time and will keep saying it. DO NOT TAKE NO/LOW PAYING WORK!! It just drives down the market and the second one producer or filmmaker gets you and pays you absolutely nothing for a profession you've probably invested a lot of money into with schooling and equipment, they will do it ALL THE TIME! There is no such thing as "future paying work", no such thing as "deferred".

This business is expensive. Sorry but it is. Find a budget, then make your project happen!!

I still have no idea why people think they can offer us nothing for our work, but as long as they keep asking we will keep SAYING NO...RIGHT!?!?

* Location: Anywhere
* Compensation: if you do it for free, they will always ask you to do it for free...

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