Monday, October 6, 2008

If you want people to do good work, PAY THEM!

Date: 2008-10-06, 11:30AM PDT

If you expect a Make-up Artist to work for free, at least pay for their kit fee. Do you know that Make-up costs money? Why should we pay you (in supplies) to work for you? It is a REAL profession and we have REAL bills to put a roof over our heads and put food on our tables. A t-shirt is not going to pay a cell phone bill. Make-up school is expensive and so are supplies. Keep in mind that more often than not, you get what you pay for when it comes to rates. If you are a Photographer, I do not need to hear how much you paid for your equipment and how your job is so much more important than my job. That is BS and does not excuse you for being cheap. If you are being paid for the gig, the Make-up person should be getting paid. You also need to remember our rate is our rate, and our kit fee is our product. If you offer $50.00 in pay, that translates into working for free and that might be enough to cover products used.

* Location: anywhere

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