Saturday, February 21, 2009

To Producers Looking For Crew Members

Date: 2009-02-21, 1:15AM PST

To all you folks looking for people to work for FREE/NO PAY/DEFERRED PAY

Wake the hell up and stop insulting us with these ads! Stop trying to get skilled labor for free. Slavery ended in 1865.

If you want a good, loyal team, PAY YOUR CREW. We don't need meals/copy/credit. We can't pay our rent with that. If you cannot afford to pay us, then you cannot afford to shoot your short/webisode/pilot/feature/music video (you fill in the blank). Gas is much too high to drive and work on these "jobs" for free, at least cover our gas. Raise the money and then hire your crew. Keep your stupid bagels and lunch. We don't want it. Pay us!

A skilled crew member who refuses to work for nothing

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