Sunday, September 20, 2009


Date: 2009-09-20, 10:48AM PDT

It is no secret that we are in an economic crises that is severely effecting this job market. There are low life scum sucking scavengers out there that are taking advantage and feeding off this difficult time to price very skilled pros out of work. Because the technology has become so user friendly and cheap allows these low lives to believe that anybody can do it... therefore underpay or worse not want to pay. We all know, as pros, that this work takes skill, training, hard work, time and a financial investment. And when we do accept work at these deplorable offers, which I have been guilty of out of desperation, it always seems to turn into a nightmare. I'm sure most of you have experienced this crap! Well enough is enough!!! I know its tough to turn down any work at this time but with so many of us competing for the same gig they get us by the balls until they hear the price they want which is usually less than min wage. We, as freelancers are not unionized or protected in anyway. A precedent needs to be set! Please friends, I implore you, if only for one week DO NOT ACCEPT ANY JOBS FOR UNDER 200 per day, which is really less than the rental of some equipment. If we stick to a bottom line price, maybe just maybe, some of these cheap dirt bags will get the idea. They need us! But lets not allow them to exploit us anymore. Thanks.

* Location: L.A.

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