Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rid CL of the "internship!"

Date: 2009-09-29, 3:38PM PDT

I'd say 90% of us are crew people and creative types needing PAYING jobs, not college internships. It's almost shameful the amount of prod. companies that get on here to advertise for these positions when they should be focusing their efforts at COLLEGES!!! I'm still baffled at the fact that I've never truly seen a JOB post from any of these prod. companies...they always just need FREE interns.

Flag'em! Oh and for all the student productions, you should be looking at other students at your school! Make a friend and stop looking for pros and giving the run of the mill copy credit meal. We need to pay bills people....

Location: everywhere
Compensation: getting our industry back on its feet with paying work!

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