Monday, May 17, 2010

Below scale camera operator

Date: 2010-05-17, 1:06PM PDT

I am constantly seeing ads for companies, producers and directors looking to hire camera operators for next to nothing. I might be able to understand hiring a camera operator at a rate of $250.00 per day ($25/hr) if you are providing all of the equipment. However, it seems you want some of these kids with event a limited amount of experience to work for as little as $15/hr including an equipment list that includes at a minimum: a $1,500.00 - $10,000.00 camera system; with support equipment; a full grip truck and in some cases a complete sound package. With all of this equipment, the young would-be DP will be required to have insurance on his equipment & liability, as well as a comprehensive auto policy. This is getting ridiculous.

I am a professional video producer, camera operator, Art Director and DP who has been working steadily for almost a decade without joining a union. I may work in the corporate video industry (seminars, training videos, PSAs and commercials), and not in the mainstream LA market (film & television industry); but I have continued to support myself, my family and my crew without laying people off. My day rate at a minimum (hiring only myself and not my crew) is $500.00 for a half-day or $800.00 for a full day. Most of my clients pay me between $800.00 and $3,000.00 per day (obviously includes my crew at that rate). My crew and I may not work every day, but we work steadily without having to compromise our quality or values.

My point here today is that you will get what you pay for. My clients hire me because I am one of the best at what I do (if not the best). Some of my clients in the last years and a half have commented on my prices being too high, but they continue to pay because my knowledge of their product/service, experience and the quality of my work speaks for itself. Any of my clients could hire an amateur or "up-and-coming" DP for 1/4 of what they pay me. Then again, I see ads on here regularly that are reposted within 3 weeks of the original ad looking for cheap workers. I know the project was filmed once with an inexperienced DP and they did not get everything they needed. Rather than admit that the producer should have hired someone with experience to do it right the first time, they often shoot the project 2 or 3 times with different crews, creating a lower quality yet completed project.

When I began my career, young "would-be" DPs would intern, assist ad work with professionals to gain experience. I know several DPs who, if they found someone of promise would help them with tuition for film school and offer them their 1st job after school. The training and knowledge gained in the classroom along with practical experience is what made for great DPs. Now, you kids go out and by an $800.00 Canon DSLR with a $200.00 tripod and a $300.00 lens and think you can "fake it 'til you make it". All this has done is produce an extremely large quantity of garbage that make reality TV more desirable. You need to hold your ground, work with real professionals and stop producing trash.

Location: Hollywood & SoCal
Compensation: $50 - $250 per day

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