Saturday, May 22, 2010

Experience vs Pay

Date: 2010-05-22, 8:33PM PDT

It's funny how these producers, directors need to get on Craigslist to find a PA and they love to SAY you'll get some great experience or knowledge from THEIR project. But guess what, if they can't pay you it means they didn't secure a budget and at the end of the day what can they really offer you???
And how/why is it they even have to get on CL to find you?? More than likely they're friends and other colleagues are sick of helping them out as well and not getting paid for it!!

Don't lower your standards if you are new or a student. Networking is great, but you should ALWAYS be compensated...SOMETHING. Copy/Credit/Meals is not compensation!!!

Stop letting these productions take advantage of others.
Best of luck.

Location: Hollywood
Compensation: Of Course!!!!!!! Don't do productions that don't pay...they'll learn...

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