Saturday, February 25, 2012

RE: 1st AC This Weekend

Date: 2012-02-25, 12:20AM PST

"My 1st AC bailed last minute.....100/day, meals + transportation provided."

Perhaps your 1st AC bailed because you're paying them an ILLEGAL rate!!! California State Minimum Wage is $112/12. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! and it continues to go up $16/hr after that, meaning $125 is less than minimum after 13 hrs, etc.

Producers: come back when you've actually got the budget to make you project (and that means paying ALL of your crew at least minimum wage)

Crew: I know it's rough out there. I know it's been slow and we all need to pay our bills. But PLEASE - do us all a favor. JUST SAY NO! Stand up for yourselves and for all of us. If a production offers you anything less than minimum wage PLEASE tell them that it's not legal and demand that they pay you a legal rate. Together, maybe, just maybe we can make a difference!

Location: LA
Compensation: ALWAYS PAY! $112/12 +


1st AC - This Weekend (Riverside)
Date: 2012-02-24, 10:39PM PST

My 1st AC bailed last minute. Seeking a 1st AC for a 2 day reality pilot shoot this weekend in Riverside.

100/day, meals + transportation provided.

Call time is 9AM. So I'd like to book sometime right now.

Location: Riverside

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