Thursday, June 28, 2012


Date: 2012-06-05, 7:50PM PDT

To all the people posting ads requesting free/very low pay grip/electric services:

I feel I can speak for most of my fellow grips/electrics here, and in response to all those who have said that copy/credit/free meal is adequate payment, let me explain a few things. Plain an simple: That is not adequate compensation. That is expected and comes with the job.  Some of us have families to feed and all of us have bills to pay . This is our career, not a hobby. You wonder why some of us are so upset? I'll tell you why: Most of the people requesting free services from us ask for our resume, portfolio and in some cases references, plus wanting free equipment . Uh, sorry.... If you aren't paying me, I'm not allowing you access to my resume, portfolio, or equipment. 

Grip/Electrics are reasonable people; however, when you go out of your way to be rude and indignant when we ask for payment, it upsets us. You people know who you are.... it's the entitled attitude you give us and the "how dare you ask for money for services attitude," that really sours us. Why in the world would we work for 8-10 plus hours on a project that we are not fiscally and/or professionally compensated for? Why should we spend our time, talent and product only to be shafted? Product costs us money people, and we shouldn't have to go into our pockets for the sole benefit of your project. 

WE ARE TIRED OF THE UNGRATEFUL, ENTITLED ATTITUDE. You want an experienced Grips/Electrics? Hire one. Stop using and abusing our time and talents. 

Location: Los Angeles
Compensation: Yes You Can!

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