Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Re: Cinematographer

Date: 2011-12-07, 6:28PM PST

YOUNG seems to be the new code word for FREE....sometimes the carpetbaggers use the word "STUDENT" to describe who they "want," but in the next breath they ask for specialized experience - go figure.
This particular ad also demands specific photography equipment - for Free....who do the think pays for it and maintains it (not for Free).

Young people, students, professionals, veterans, women, gays, whites, blacks, latinos, asians and everyone else, unite and stop being taken advantage of!

I try hard not to answer these ads from the bush league wannabes who are dumbing down the biz (even more).

But if I do, I just explain that I will work for free...but only on a student project (at a legit college or high school) where the kid is maybe a junior or senior 21 years old or younger.

I explain that I will not work for a 25, 30, 40, 50+ year old for free...period! No matter what the promises: "awesome script," "awesome crew," "awesome future paid jobs," "awesome good food,"....etc.


Date: 2011-12-08, 12:34PM PST

I would have to concur with my comrade here, I've done enough free shoots as a student, some even for celebrities who have money. Usually, when the project gets picked up you and all your hard work and effort are forgotten and they hire their "Go To People," friends, family, and whoever. Why? Because your labor is not valued, they're dozens lining up to do this. So, now that I'm a professional I find it very offensive and disrespectful to the art, discipline and individual especially in this economy. You wouldn't ask a Mechanic to fix your car for free, or a plumber to fix your pipes for free. Why is it then acceptable to ask YOUNG or any one to work for free and provide the use of their personal property?. It is plain and simple exploitation of individual's labor, dreams, and desperation to "Make It." It is basically slavery when one DOES NOT compensate someone else for their time, labor, and equipment. Maybe if the project is so "AWESOME" then you should do like other business owners and take out a loan or fund raise to back up your claims. I too, back a moratorium on this shameful behavior to ask for "Free Work", flag them and get them out of here, if this continues these people will lower the standards so much that none of us well be able to eat.
In fact, now I'm to the point where I will not even consider working on any project or any producer/director who uses the word "AWESOME!"

I've heard of some seasoned photographers who actually accept a free or disrespectfully low paying gig and just don't show up for the shoot...leaving these carpetbaggers scrambling to fill the crew position and pay a decent rate at the last moment.

I've heard of others who say, "sure, I'll work for free - but you have to pay market rate for my gear - camera package, lights, grip, etc - which rents for $700+/day.

I know it's not our job to teach these clowns what their parents failed to, like the basic Golden Rule...but I would like to hear from you:


Location: west covina

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