Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thank you to the decent people.

Date: 2011-12-10, 9:02PM PST

I know a lot of people on here are shooting for the webisodes/shorts/music videos, and tend to not have a lot to throw around. So I want to say thanks to the people that actually pay PAs and other crew, and actually care about being a good producer. I worked for plenty of people on here, that have done some real low budget stuff. And while all of them have never been able to pay a great daily wage, they've worked hard to make sure that everyone got payed a fair wage. So while I'll never get rich working for you guys, you did help me keep my head above water during a tough holiday season.

Justin Canal
Ann Nguyen
Shane Brown
Patrick Sims
Said Dibinga

Also FYI people. Whenever you see NatGeo post on here, get on that. They pay a great day rate, and are awesome to work for.

Location: Socal

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