Tuesday, July 24, 2012

For all those posting non paying crew "gigs"

Date: 2012-06-17, 8:37PM PDT

I don't give a shit how original or game changing you think your story "idea" is. I can assure you it isn't.
I don't give a shit what production company or A-List actor is going to star in it. They aren't.
I certainly don't give a shit that you want to shoot on Red. Please.
I only care if you are going to pay.
Grips, Makeup, Sound etc...these are jobs.
If you don't have the money you will never get your film off the ground. You will never get it seen beyond 20 Youtube hits. Never. Ever.

Kevin Smith paid his crew for CLERKS.
Martin Scorsese paid his crew for MEAN STREETS.
Oren Peli paid his crew for PARANORMAL ACTIVITY.

So get a clue. Get some funding or fuck off. 

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