Sunday, December 28, 2008

Photographer - No Pay

Date: 2008-12-28, 11:31AM PST

Dear fellow photographers,

I've been cruising CL for about 5 years now. I find a lot of good work here. I also see a great deal of people placing ads offering to give you a job that doesn't pay so you can build your portfolio. They're often disguised as "internships" or they offer to compensate you later or give you photo credit. Look, it depends on the job. If Vogue is offering you an unpaid internship, take it. Otherwise, you'll find you'll get a few measly photos for your portfolio and not much else in return. The amount of time it takes AFTER the shoot (selection, photoshop), isn't worth the grief. You'll also find that you're not just taking pictures, these jerks want photoshop and sometimes prints. Don't work for free!


Even if you charge a small fee, get something. You need to eat too and we all need to work together to put an end to the idea that photographers will work for free JUST for portfolio work.

I understand you need material for your portfolio, shouldn't you get paid in the process? Paying your dues is one thing, but that doesn't mean you should subject yourself to slave labor. Do free work, but on YOUR OWN terms. Make it a win/win situation working with models, not cheapo companies looking for freebies.

Do yourself and all your fellow struggling photographers a favor and charge for your work. Set the standard. Times are tough and we all need to work together to make it through this. When you see those freebie ads, email them and tell them to charge for labor. Would you expect someone to mow your lawn for free just so they could get experience?

* Location: Cheaptown
* Compensation: Better working standards for us all!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Date: 2008-12-20, 10:04AM PST

Stop calling your presentation or pitch a pilot.
All these wanted ads stating they have no money to do a pilot. Thats a deception, a pilot means a network is interested, and has cut a check for a budget to do one show.
Call it what it is, a presentation.
If you are truly doing a pilot are you trying to double dip?? A pilot budget includes a set producers fee, along with money for cast and crew.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Are you hiring crew?

Date: 2008-12-13, 10:22PM PST

If you are hiring crew, please follow basic communication practices. Understand yours is not the only post on cl so calling with "This is Ed calling about your email" won't make any sense to most people.
State the name of your project, and what specifically you are asking for.
We apply for many jobs. We aren't going to know when you just say, "I'm the producer. You answered my post." Since you are not the only person posting on cl you must be specific.
Also, speak clearly. This is important. If you are really a producer or director, you will know the importance of clear communication. Speaking rapidly and slurring your speech tells me you are A. drunk dialing or B. a horrible communicator. Either way, it's not a good way to attract talent or crew to your project. If you've had a stroke and your speech is slurred (and I work with a very talented man who has) then maybe let your first communication be via email, so it's clear who you are and what you expect.
Please...state your name, why you are calling and what specifically you want.

Thank You.

* Location: L.A.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Date: 2008-12-12, 5:10PM PST

Your ad must contain vital information, if your ad does no answer these questions do not post it till you can.

1) what crew position are you hiring? Be specific don't say sound, or camera. Do you want production, or post-production, boom, mixer, recordist. DP, camera man, ac.
2) dates and times be as exact as possible. I charge more if I have to drive during rush hour, so if you don't give exact times you are getting my rush hour rate.
3) location, indoor, outdoor, is there power or do I need my own, parking is there parking or do I have to drive around for a half hour looking for a spot.
4) what is in it for me. Do not think that credit is something you should offer because nobody would make a film and not give people credit. Don't say meals unless you are going to state actual food is going to be delivered, because meals means little caesar's. You should never make someone loose money to work on your "Godfather" at least cover there gas to get to your set. Don't say copy unless you are going to deliver, I have worked on 27 projects in the last 2 years I have 8 dvd's.

finally give a little about your project. at least genre. Oh and if you have name or a list celebrities all I can say is prove it!

* Location: YES YOU!!!

RE: Need Editor for Rock Music Video

Date: 2008-12-12, 3:49PM PST



* Location: Fantasy land
* Compensation: we will poke you in the eye and light your car on fire.

See the posting below.
I'm looking for an experienced Rock Music video editor who is looking to enhance their reel. There is no pay save for permission to use said video exclusively to enhance one's reel. You must be willing to take direction, work on a schedule and be willing to fully follow through on the project while working with the director to achieve his vision. This project will require some color correction/enhancement/effects using After Effects/Majic Bullet filters or better. You must have your own hardware/software and a good clean deck to capture said footage. Think Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin in regards to the style of video I want cut. I have over four hours of great looking HD footage on mini-dv shot on Panasonic HVX's. I have tracking shots, jib shots, hand held, on sticks, whip pans, camera shakes etc. This project needs to be finished ASAP! Please send links to your reels for review and I will be in touch shortly.

Location: SFV
Compensation: no pay

re: Looking for videographer with video and sound equipment(3ccd+lav)

Date: 2008-12-12, 3:42PM PST

Come-on you guys...get a clue here...You're asking a cameraman to not only bring his/her gear and shoot with perfection but ALSO be the soundman on top of it!!!! FOR $100!!!! This is so wrong...Hire a Soundman....who's going to hold the boom? How are you going to input 3 audio lines into a camera that only has 2!!! you will need a field mixer!!! Do your a cameraman & soundman 1st and find out what is feasible? there are enough of us out there that will do the work on a budget.. but by the way your email reads it seams that you show inexperience which tells me that your production will end in a disaster (sorry!!)... I don't mind working with inexperience as long as they are open to suggestion(s) and make the most out it in a professional and timely matter....

please don't take this the wrong way...

* Location: Los Angeles
* Compensation: Not a whole lot!!! You should get a little bit bigger budget... IMOP!!!

>>>>>>>>>>Looking for videographer with video and sound equipment(3ccd+lavelies) (Los Angeles)
Date: 2008-12-12, 2:36AM PST

I am looking for a cameraman with his/her own equipment(3 ccd camera and set of 2 lavele and boom mics) for shooting "behind the scenes" of upcoming music video and also interviews with celebrity artists for TV.
The shoot is going to be on 15 and 16 of December, time range from about 3pm to 11pm on Mon and 2 pm to 11pm on Tuesday it's not necessary to stay all production time but exact time to get the most important moments and interviews, but if you interested and want to stay and watch all production you are welcome to do it.
Also you get a meal and a credit for the camera work. The sets are really fun,they are going to be shooting on 35mm cameras, underwater, beach, and house party with many extras scenes. Please e-mail me the list of your equipment and some of your work experience info.
Thanks a lot for your interest.

Location: Los Angeles
Compensation: $100/day

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

$$$$Makeup Gigz$$$$$

Date: 2008-12-02, 10:17AM PST

When you decide to "make a movie", or "a video" please know you will need the services of a makeup artist to "tie the tie" on the production. It won't look complete without makeup and hair.

If you feel as though your production isn't worth spending the "extra" money for the makeup artist, then don't seek the services of one.

We keep the continuity and integrity of your scenes. At least a professional MUA does. Its not just "light makeup", "nothing to strenuous", work we are speaking of here.

We deserve the money we should be demanding.

So, the point of the post is, if you can't see the value of the makeup artist in monetary terms, don't look for one.

Thank you

* Location: Hollywood,Burbank,Studio City....
* Compensation: yes, there is pay$$$$


RE: MAKEUP and WARDROBE (Los Angeles)
Date: 2008-12-02, 11:39AM PST

Internships give school credit.

California minimum wage is $8/hr.

We don't care about your "artistic vision".

Work without pay=SLAVERY.

We will report you to the State labor board.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

You get what you pay for,
The Costumers Collective

* Location: Los Angeles
* Compensation: A Living Wage


in response to all wardrobe ads on craig's list (La metro)
Date: 2008-12-04, 8:28AM PST

I believe it's an insult to ask someone to work for free or for low pay. If you're hiring a professional you should paid them. for a penny payment ask your family members or friends to do the job for you.
There's no such think of credits and meals.. come on... it cost money to rent a camera so if you're going on production you have to have money for everything....
I think all low end production companies, wanna be photographers,etc should be reported to the labor board.
And you people out there don't accept low end offers.... don't believe that working for free or low pay once will get you connected to the next job because it's not going to happen.As long as there are people out there doing the work for free your next job might be in exchange for meals... got it?
Stand up and show some respect for your work!

* Location: La metro
* Compensation: we alll should get paid!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Need crew

Date: 2008-11-27, 7:48PM

Why is it that people keep posting for free work? PLEASE flag all posts asking for free or less than minimum wage. This would slowly give these un-professional people the idea that unfair pay isn't going to be tolerated. Any post talking about pay later, jobs in the future, or some kind of deferred payment are generally untrue. How about a project that says they have SAG actors! Have you gone to the SAG website and read the contract? NO ONE on the film will ever get a deferred payment because any money that is made will go to the actors. And if any money would be going to the crew, then the production would be big enough that they would be paying you in the first place.
Please help us clean this garbage out of our industry. If you want to make a movie or have professionals work for you, then pay for the help. ALSO if you want equipment to come with the person, it becomes a separate charge for that. Those of us that have all the equipment have invested thousands of dollars, some over 100K+. That doesn't come free and you have to pay for it. Just because you aren't using a rental house doesn't mean you get it free.
It takes money to operate in this industry. If you don't have enough money to pay your workers, wait till you have the needed funds to make the project and pay the people what they legally deserve to do the work you are asking.
One last thing, paying a Day rate is a great thing. However, that is for no more than 12 hours, if not decided differently by the person getting hired. After that amount of time overtime should be paid. Working crews over this amount of time per day is unsafe and is not productive. People working past the 12 hour mark start to slow down, start to make bad choices, and are more likely to get hurt, or possibly kill someone or ones self from falls or other unforeseen dangers on set. Don't believe me? Watch the movie "Who needs Sleep" by Haskell Wexler. I only give that example because it is a good one. No other industry gets to work people for free or under minimum wage with out the Department of labor coming down on them. Why should people abuse workers in this one.

Location: Valley
Compensation: Yep the min I have to pay to get someone.


RE: Everything on here (sucks)
Date: 2008-12-10, 7:55PM PST

If you don't have money to pay people, even just a stipend you shouldn't be making a movie/video. You should be getting a job! Bottom line!!!

Everyday ads are getting more and more ridiculous with what people are asking of others.

Call your friends or family if you need a PA, DP or makeup artist and won't pay!!!

* Location: sucks
* Compensation: PLEASE!!!! SOMETHING!!!!??????? (and no, not just pizza on set jerks!)


LOL no talent hacks for $10 (Flag away)
Date: 2008-12-11, 11:13AM PST

Flag as much as you like, it still does not change the fact that you are asking for skilled professionals for $10 an hour so you can look like a big shot Hollywood wannabe with a crappy reel.

I believe someone here once said you can go to Home Depot, and pick a crew for $50 a day. No wonder Hollywood is losing jobs to Canada, and Louisiana, and New Mexico. Dam! even Bollywood pays better then you hacks.

Also I have a red camera you can s*ck me for.

* Location: Flag away
* Compensation: up your a$$


Date: 2008-12-12, 4:14PM PST

I'm a pretentious and arrogant first time director. I'm making my epic screenplay and need all crew to come and work for nothing. Yes, that means the DP must have his own gear, HD RED 35mm all of it with a full lighting and grip truck. Again, I will pay nothing for your time, gear or talent. The shoot will be long 12hr days so you best suck it up.
Compensation is you get a Credit, a copy, a few slices of scratch that, just bring your own lunch. Gas will not be paid either. You figure that out as well.

This movie will hit the festival circuit and I'll go to Sundance because I'm sure my movie is the next Casablanca. This is a great opportunity for me and my own exposure. While on set refer to me as king director. any other names will not be tolerated and you will be immediately fired.
Respond asap as we start shooting tomorrow at 5am.

(sorry, just bored with all the idiots out there)

* Location: HAHAHA
* Compensation: This is not real. But I'm sure somebody will one day put an ad like this on CL and mean it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Photographer needed for model,jewelry,fashion show any events

Date: 2008-11-26, 1:07PM PST

everybody here wants to get a good photographer, but they do not want to pay, they bribe you with "exposure, experience, networking" c'mon ..please give us a little respect... some even post "high end fashion designer or high end show" and yet no budget for photographer? heloooooo!!!

* Location: los angeles


RE-Freebees again!!!! (Cheapville)
Date: 2008-11-26, 2:42PM PST

you got that right. we (graphic designers, photographers, artist,...)need to stick together because without us, these cheap bast***s have NOTHING. maybe there should be a new category called "cheap bastards" in craigslist.

* Location: Cheapville


Thanks losers!!! (morontown!)
Date: 2008-11-26, 2:56PM PST

Everybody thinks that they can come here and get a photographer, videographer, make-up artist, graphic artist and I'm sure I'm missing some, for free!!!!!

This 'band' is offering 2 tickets to go see them 'perform'(!) in return to shoot their no name band... And this 'model' wants to trade photography services because he/she(?) wants nude pictures.... What is the trade????

We only trade when there is a 'return value'... Somebody known, something worth something, not a 2 bit wannabe band or wannabe model!

Wake-up for crying out loud.

It's to a point where brides come here wanting photographers to shoot for the 'opportunity'(!!!LOL) to shoot them!

What the F^&K???

People, take a stand: not only flag these assholes but pretend you're going to go and don't show up...!!!!! That will teach them!

Have a freaking Happy Turkey Day!

* Location: morontown!

Friday, November 21, 2008

regarding "Professional Videographer Needed"

Date: 2008-11-21, 10:07AM PST

I never respond to these things, but this is getting friggin' ridiculous. A hundred bucks to travel to the location with MY gear, shoot for "an hour," then EDIT down to 1 minute final product (delivered how? DVD, quicktime, compressed for what?... more time on my end)-- and you're paying $100 bucks?

Get a clue. Get a camcorder and your nephew's imac and do it yourself.

This is insulting, uninformed and you WILL NOT find anyone to take you up on this.

WANTED: Professional PRODUCERS who have an idea of how things work and respect for professional work.

Take a hike.

* Location: LA

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Professional Videographer Needed (L.A.)
Date: 2008-11-21, 9:49AM PST

A dynamic new media company is seeking talented, professional videographer to produce an HD business review video for the internet in L.A. area. Shoot time on location will be 1 hour, and the edited video will be 1 minute in length. Please email your equipment and example videos for consideration. Thanks!

* Location: L.A.
* Compensation: $100/video

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fair Creative Gigs

Date: 2008-11-20, 1:30PM PST

(I'm hiring for a for a short-term, small, or odd job) (small design, photography, illustration projects)

These two statements (above) are Craig's List own definition and/or qualifications for what SHOULD be listed in Creative Gigs.

This posting may soon get flagged by those wanting to abuse the system and they will learn about Karma soon enough. Flagging this will only facilitate me re-posting it at the top of the list so, flag on.

Gigs implies a PAID job, and it is reasonable that some jobs may be paid for with trades and or other services, still, there is a section for BARTER. But it is reasonable that some gigs need to be placed in the creative section when payment is a trade just to find the appropriate audience.

There is a TALENT section for models, dancers, and other TALENT.

There is a Writer’s section.

There is a CREW section for all film crew positions, including DP’s, Directors, Hair & Make-up etc.

Design includes design gigs as stated and are not limited to marketing, fine art and so on, but that doesn’t seem to fit a Producer or someone to INVEST in your dreams. Adding the word Creative in front of a Receptionist Position doesn’t make it appropriate to be listed here.

Craig’s List is Self-Police-ing so it is up to responsible people to FLAG inappropriate listings. It is also responsible not to flag appropriate listings, a 2-way street.

Some days I go through a dozen listings that include anything but what is appropriate for this section.

Internships should be PAID by California LAW, they are not a Gig, but rather a Job. Any listing looking to hire anyone in the Gigs section is just an attempt to circumvent Craig’s List fees and procedures for help wanted ads and should be flagged, this is not the place for help wanted ads. If you are looking for any kind of an employee, you ad doesn’t belong here.

The situation will only get worse if we do not FLAG APPROPRIATELY and then it will serve no one well, a victim of the dark side of human nature.

Anyone working for free is doing the whole community a disservice not to mention facilitating their own self-abuse. Word to the wise... If you will work for free in LA/Hollywood, you will work for free in LA/Hollywood.

If we allow the abuse to continue it will only get worse until it renders Craig’s List ineffective. Before this happens, Craig’s List will be forced to initiate posting policies to better regulate the site. This will cost money and Craig’s List will no longer be free. This will be a loss for everyone.

No hate needed, just be fair and reasonable.


* Location: Los Angeles
* Compensation: The payoff is realized by action

Intern vs. Volunteer (Defined)

Date: 2008-11-19, 9:59PM PST

Just for clarification:

An INTERN works for college credit as a form of payment. Some even get money on top of the credit. Some may even call it an apprenticeship.

A VOLUNTEER works for free as a way to help out or learn something.

If you want a P.A. to help for free, ask them what department they want to learn about and put them in that one. That way they get something out of the experience and don't just get the Student Director water on set. Then wait three years for their copy of the DVD.

* Location: Defined

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Date: 2008-11-15, 8:29PM PST

I'm so tired of seeing ads for "Professionals" for either Gaffers, DPs or Camera Operators and they expect them to have all the equipment needed.

Guess what?! You apparently don't know that unless they've been in the business for a good while, they RENT equipment, and if they've got equipment, they usually go for PAID jobs.

And apparently people don't understand the jobs themselves. A DP doesn't usually have lights, some do, many don't. A DP designs the aesthetic. A camera operator, Operates the camera according to the instructions from the DP.... and the Gaffer is the one who sets up the lights to light the scene to how the DP wants it.

And for Gods Sake, Pay the goddamn crew!!!! You expect so much for nothing. The expertise of the DP, the camera, the lenses, the filters, the matte box, the monitor,the lights, the stands, stingers, flags, bounce boards. Hell might as well ask for a whole studio for free.

* Location: dumbF***ville

Friday, November 14, 2008

Meals, No Pay

Date: 2008-11-14, 12:04PM PST

Come on now People! Really. So many of you are asking people to donate there time and energy to your projects, all for free?

Oh wait, there's "the chance to work with a experience/professional crew"!?

The least you could do is offer to pay gas money!!!

So let me spend the little money I have on gas, in order to get to where ever your project is, work for free all day, and hope that maybe your going to have some good craft services?! The only really good craft services i've ever had, were on projects that actually had a budget!

Yeah right people!! Oh yeah, don't forget to send your resume and references.

* Location: Everywhere

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Creative Gigs

Date: 2008-11-06, 5:01PM PST

What the hell is wrong with you "job"/"gig" posters requesting experienced and talented artists/designers/photographers/musicians to work for free or a pittance. We still need to keep a roof over our heads and feed our families- just like you do. And in the current state of the economy it's that much harder. How would you feel if someone expected or felt entitled to the service or goods you provide, but felt that they weren't worth paying for?
We've put in our time and money to develop our professional talents. We deserve to make a living with them, just as you deserve to make a living with what it is you do! Please stop the insulting b.s.!!
Pay a fair wage for our expertise!

* Location: Los Angeles

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Minimum Wage and the Independent Contractor - Cameramen, Editors

Date: 2008-10-19, 12:39PM PDT

The following piece about the rights of film crew who are being underpaid got flagged and removed -
I wonder by who? The people whose rights need to be protected, or the shmoes who are trying to underpay you? Read about your rights before it gets flagged again:

More and more "producers" are offering less than minimum wage for both Camerman (with their own equipment, no less) and editors (with their own systems). They are getting around the minimum wage law by claiming "since it's a project, we can pay whatever we want". This was told to me by a real creep named [-----] at JIF, who was offering $200 a week, I kid you not, to edit their films, at eight hours a day. Since then it has gotten worse. Now cameramen with their own equipment are being offered $250 a week to film seven straight days, while traveling to dangerous countries.

Well, it turns out you do have rights. The Labor Division won't help you file a claim they say, because independent contractors don't fall under their jurisdiction, but you can take these "producers" to small claims court, and sue them for up to $7,000 lost wages, if they have violated the independent contractors regulation. This is from the government labor division's website:

The Independent Contractor: You cannot be considered an independent contractor if your s
schedule is set by someone else.

They are in violation of regulations governing contracting. See the following url:

So if you take an editing job or a cameraman job, even if you sign a contract, they are in violation if they set your schedule (i.e., tell you when and where to show up, and how many hours; that's making a schedule). Even if they have not "set your schedule", you can still sue for the difference between what they paid you and minimum wage. The Labor Division said "we make no guarantees" if you will win or not, but you have the right to sue them.

Please remind these turkeys of this the next time they try to do this to you. Or wait until the project is over, and take them to court.

Hope this helps someone.

* Location: Hollywood
* Compensation: Minimum Wage: Take them to court

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Date: 2008-10-18, 1:29PM PDT

Director, must be award winning or nominated.
DP with 35mm package full prime set and 2 red cameras, must have access to free film stock
1st Ac
2nd Ac
1st Ad
2nd Ad
Prop master must have own warehouse full of stuff, space travel gear, spelunking, WW2 flame throwers.
20 stunt men, must have combat, explosives, and military training. navy seals would be best.
Line producer
Production designer
10 production assistants with on set skills
2 gaffer with own gear, full studio sets
8 grips with own gear
medical person ( must be a MD), snake bite kits, sunburn,etc
Executive Producer with access to funds around 72 million euros.
we are shooting in the desert for three months
Crew must bring own food, personal items to survive
cell phones dont work so must bring Gps and satellite phones
Must sign waivers to work on this film, wilderness survival classes must be completed before shoot.
Studio is not giving credits for this production.
No pay. Crew may have to pitch in, points are available.
This is a chance of a life time.
Working titles ' Honorable Discharge' or Catalistic curcumference:Space Marine 2

* Location: VERY CLOSE

Monday, October 13, 2008


Date: 2008-10-13, 8:03PM PDT

Anyone interning for free to gain "experience" and "connections" needs to think carefully about how much they can actually learn from people who don't make any money. What good are connections with people who don't work on jobs that can pay? You're much better off working on student productions and shooting your own projects.

If you really want to intern for your first job, then send a resume to all the big production companies. The people that have to go out of their way advertising on craigslist are desperate for an intern for a reason.

* Location: LA

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Need Producer, Director, DP, UPM, Gaffer, Editor, and Writer ASAP

Date: 2008-10-08, 12:06PM PDT


Have you ever been on craigslist and someone wants to use your services and your 20,000 $ camera equipment for the rate of 100$? Doesn't that just make you mad?

Well check out this new concept I am proposing.

You provide all the equipment, lights, cameras, talent, etc.... then you pay me. Then not only do you not get anything, but I get everything, so it's a win-win situation. You get to use your talents and express your creativity, but then i get everything. So it works out just perfect.

I have a unique vision for a movie and I need a Producer, Director, DP, UPM, Editor, and an incredibly amazing writer. Basically what will happen is I will go on craigslist and organize a bunch of free labor
to create the movie, and you the laborers will not be compensated, in fact you will pay me. In return you will get to be in a movie that is listed on IMDB. Now that does not mean your name will be on IMDB or that you will get a credit or copy or even a meal... it just means that you get to work with an incredibly talented visionary like me.

So if you're interested, give me a call asap. I will try to leave my cell phone on for part of the day but I am kayaking in malibu so leave a voicemail if I do not pickup. And if you really want the gig, send me some gift certificates to spago.

Thank you

Eric Walterstein

serious inquiries only

* Location: Los Angeles
* Compensation: You Pay Me

Monday, October 6, 2008

If you want people to do good work, PAY THEM!

Date: 2008-10-06, 11:30AM PDT

If you expect a Make-up Artist to work for free, at least pay for their kit fee. Do you know that Make-up costs money? Why should we pay you (in supplies) to work for you? It is a REAL profession and we have REAL bills to put a roof over our heads and put food on our tables. A t-shirt is not going to pay a cell phone bill. Make-up school is expensive and so are supplies. Keep in mind that more often than not, you get what you pay for when it comes to rates. If you are a Photographer, I do not need to hear how much you paid for your equipment and how your job is so much more important than my job. That is BS and does not excuse you for being cheap. If you are being paid for the gig, the Make-up person should be getting paid. You also need to remember our rate is our rate, and our kit fee is our product. If you offer $50.00 in pay, that translates into working for free and that might be enough to cover products used.

* Location: anywhere

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Camera Ops--DV, Broadcast, HDV, please read!

Date: 2008-10-02, 11:36AM PDT

We say this all the time and will keep saying it. DO NOT TAKE NO/LOW PAYING WORK!! It just drives down the market and the second one producer or filmmaker gets you and pays you absolutely nothing for a profession you've probably invested a lot of money into with schooling and equipment, they will do it ALL THE TIME! There is no such thing as "future paying work", no such thing as "deferred".

This business is expensive. Sorry but it is. Find a budget, then make your project happen!!

I still have no idea why people think they can offer us nothing for our work, but as long as they keep asking we will keep SAYING NO...RIGHT!?!?

* Location: Anywhere
* Compensation: if you do it for free, they will always ask you to do it for free...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Date: 2008-10-01, 2:43PM PDT

Guys, dont fall for this Bull$hit.....when somebody says TBD,Negotiable, or send us your day rate, thats just another way for them to lower our wages. flag em....They know what a day rate should be.

* Location: everywhere
* Compensation: yes, please pay us what we're worth!!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

RED owner operator will shoot your project for free

Date: 2008-09-30, 8:25PM PDT

I am an owner/operator of the RED ONE camera and will shoot your movie for free.
It may come back out of focus and improperly exposed, but I am willing to learn
how to shoot on your movie.

Why do I have to own expensive equipment to work?

Date: 2008-09-30, 7:57PM PDT

Do you low budget guys realize that there are equipment rental houses out there? Many that are more than willing to offer you a GREAT deal on a camera or lighting package.

Hire the BEST GUY with the BEST RESUME/REEL then RENT the equipment!!! Not doing so might get you shitty labor on a nice camera. Many of the BEST GUYS might even have a relationship with a rental house and be able to get you discounts!!

To the next production that hires only equipment owners to shoot their films....may the film gods send you an 18 year old with rich parents and no artistic vision.


C'mon guys.

* Compensation: Waste of money and time. Reshoot city!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

We want you to do everything for us!!!

Date: 2008-09-28, 6:03PM PDT

We are looking for a videgrapher, editor, host, to wash our dogs, and get us a latte'

You pay for the coffee, and I'll give you credit (maybe) for my production.

Come on! What a joke. Keep dreaming you cheap, no talent hacks.

* Location: POOR TOWN

Saturday, September 27, 2008

SAY NO TO NO PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 2008-09-27, 7:14PM PDT



* Compensation: PAY US WHAT WE DESERVE YA DIRTY BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cool crew looking for keys

Date: 2008-09-22, 12:26PM PDT

Why is it that people keep posting for free work? PLEASE flag all posts asking for free or less than minimum wage. This would slowly give these un-professional people the idea that unfair pay isn't going to be tolerated. Any post talking about pay later, jobs in the future, or some kind of deferred payment are generally untrue. How about a project that says they have SAG actors! Have you gone to the SAG website and read the contract? NO ONE on the film will ever get a deferred payment because any money that is made will go to the actors. And if any money would be going to the crew, then the production would be big enough that they would be paying you in the first place.

Please help us clean this garbage out of our industry. If you want to make a movie or have professionals work for you, then pay for the help. ALSO if you want equipment to come with the person, it becomes a separate charge for that. Those of us that have all the equipment have invested thousands of dollars, some over 100K+. That doesn't come free and you have to pay for it. Just because you aren't using a rental house doesn't mean you get it free.

It takes money to operate in this industry. If you don't have enough money to pay your workers, wait till you have the needed funds to make the project and pay the people what they legally deserve to do the work you are asking.

One last thing, paying a Day rate is a great thing. However, that is for no more than 12 hours, if not decided differently by the person getting hired. After that amount of time overtime should be paid. Working crews over this amount of time per day is unsafe and is not productive. People working past the 12 hour mark start to slow down, start to make bad choices, and are more likely to get hurt, or possibly kill someone or ones self from falls or other unforeseen dangers on set. Don't believe me? Watch the movie "Who needs Sleep" by Haskell Wexler. I only give that example because it is a good one. No other industry gets to work people for free or under minimum wage with out the Department of labor coming down on them. Why should people abuse workers in this one.

* Location: LA
* Compensation: 10/hour

Sunday, September 21, 2008

crew needed?

Date: 2008-09-20, 11:23PM PDT

If I have all my own equipment, I do not need you for my reel.
TBD - what is that if you don't know, wait to post the ad til you know.
Based on Exp - So if I have more exp than you will you pay me more than you?

* Location: LaLaLand
* Compensation: knowledge

Friday, September 19, 2008

Re: PA / crew gig posting for credit

Date: 2008-09-19, 1:50AM PDT

Please, Please stop posting these no pay gigs on craigslist

and PLEASE stop posting that you will receive FULL credit as if you would ask someone to work on a film and not give them credit?

Unless it is a school thesis film you should be PAYING people. This is not kindergarden , this is the professional world of filmmaking.

You get what you pay for and all of the reputable people in this industry KNOW that.

* Location: hollywood
* Compensation: SCALE

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

RE: Cinematographer for micro budget feature

Date: 2008-09-09, 9:56PM PDT

REALLY? You'll watch my reel and SEE if you want my lighting guys. For a 'modest' stipend and point, you'd have to BEG them to come out. You know nothing about what a DP or the LIGHTING guys really do, and you don't have enough $$$ to make a real movie, so cut the attitude and be greatful that people respond at all.

* Location: really
* Compensation: of course not, why should we when we can get people to do it for free?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cinematographer for micro budget feature (Hollywood)
Date: 2008-09-09, 5:54PM PDT

Looking for a cinematographer for a micro budget feature filmed entirely on location. Stipend plus expenses + deferred pay plus points. Budget in place for 16mm or broadcast HD so please state expertise and/or preference when submitting link to your reel. Please specify if you own your own equipment; additional compensation provided. Nine day shoot. If you work with a regular lighting crew let us know so we can evaluate your reel for possible package invite. LINKS TO WEB REEL ONLY!

* Location: Hollywood
* Compensation: modest daily stipend + expenses + deferred + points

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

RE: Need an Event Photographer TONIGHT

Date: 2008-09-02, 5:10PM PDT

I am sick and tired of postings like yours. BUGGER OFF!! You want to pay $60 for 3 hours of professional shooting at an event you say will have celebrities? You don't think it would have behooved you to have INCLUDED MONEY FOR A PHOTOGRAPHER? Idiot!
and then you have the nerve to ask for a portfolio so you can choose the TOP QUALITY work you so eagerly need.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Need an Event Photographer TONIGHT (Hollywood)

Hey there I'm having an event tonight .. I need a photographer that will work from 9-12 to take shots of guests arriving, candid shots during the event as well as live music shots.

The pay is $60 for the night but there will be celebrities there so it will be good for your portfolio.

if you are interested please send me a link that I could go to check out your previous work.

Thank you

* Location: Hollywood
* Compensation: $60


Re:RE: Need an Event Photographer TONIGHT (Hollywood)
Date: 2008-09-02, 5:32PM PDT

That's why it's so important for us as Creatives to flag these moron's asses off this board as soon as possible so some kid with a camera, who doesn't know squat about photography, won't further drive down our market value by taking one of these slime-ball, idiots up on their dumb-ass offer, who don't appreciate and who, in fact, couldn't care less about the value of our craft and skills.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

CL Pros

Date: 2008-08-30, 12:54PM PDT

CL cracks me up. All these weirdos asking for professional services... If you're truly looking for DP's, Editors, and Producers then you have to pay for it. NO ONE works for $100 per day or even $250 per day. It's not professional, it's student pay.. Cameras, Editing facilities, REAL experience, etc., costs money. Real money! No one cares about credits, stipends, or no pay. Real Professionals have experience on union projects. If you want your product to look professional then you have to pay for it. Just because you can afford an HD camera doesn't mean anything. :)

* Location: los angeles

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Definitions for the Crew Gigs section

Date: 2008-08-26, 12:44AM PDT

This is a dictionary to help with understanding titles, requirements, and descriptions posted in the Craigslist Crew Gigs section. This may also be useful to other job boards. If anything is missing from this compilation, or needs amendment, feel free to let the creators know.

Actual Meaning: Top name, high Q-Score talent.
Meaning on Craigslist: Formerly A-list decades ago, until they developed that nasty habit, and they fell from glory, and the headlines.

Assistant Director-
Implied Position & Responsibilities: Create schedules, keep crew and director on schedule for the day, contacting late crew members, sending out tomorrow’s schedule.
Actual Low Budget Requirements/Expectations: Assist the director by getting coffee, dry cleaning, picking up food for the rest of the crew.

Award Winning
Implied Meaning: Prestigious award or recognition for accomplishments.
Actual Meaning: 1) I submitted my film to a festival, and it wasn’t rejected. Not only that, but I got an award, such as Least Despised, Best use of Helvetica Typeface in a Title, or some other nonsensical-feel-good award.
2) Nothing.
Often seen with: Great Experience, Unfortunately, Deferred

Boom Operator
Implied Position & Responsibilities: Holds boom pole steadily out of frame, consults with sound mixer on best microphone selection, covers for mixer if familiar with the equipment and job responsibilities.
Actual Low Budget Requirements/Expectations: 1) See Sound Mixer.
2) See PA/Production Assistant

Implied meaning: A team that prepares hot meals specifically for the crew every 6 hours.
Actual Low Budget meaning: We went out and got you pizza.

Continuity Supervisor
See Script Supervisor

Implied Meaning: You will receive a copy of the completed work, proper credit in the film that will appear in festivals and get you more work as a result, and be fed on set.
Actual Meaning: If we ever finish this, you will receive a copy of the film, but unlikely, because of the associated costs of making duplicates. Your name may be put in the credits, if we remember you when we actually finish this thing, probably mis-spelled. You may never actually see them though. You will be fed food. It will probably be pizza or Taco Bell, because it is cheap. You will eat it every day, and it will not change.
Often used with: Great Experience, Unfortunately, Festival, award winning

Craft Service
Implied Position & Responsibilities: a person or crew whose sole job is taking care of the people engaging in crafts (the film makers) by having finger foods, snacks, and other on set relief’s (such as sunscreen, gum, water, etc) available at a table, as well as sometimes bringing them on set to people that can not leave set.
Actual Low Budget Requirements/Expectations: We have candy and possibly cold soda on set.

Deferred Pay
Implied Meaning: You will be paid when we sell this and make money.
Actual Meaning: If/when we will sell this and make money, and unless you follow our film, know where we live, and can prove in accounting that we turned a profit, you wont be paid. See No pay.

Director of Photography/DP:
Implied Position & Responsibilities: Establishing the visual look and aesthetic of the film, guiding the gaffer in lighting styles, operates the camera and composes the shots.
Actual Low Budget Requirements/Expectations: 1) Holds the camera, uses the light provided, or provides the truck with the equipment, places the lights in position.
2) Double Penetration. Your Efforts, and your wallet.
Often seen with: award winning, Experienced, highly skilled, unfortunately
See also: Equipment (your own)

Implied Meaning: Very simple, little effort needed, we know what we are doing and taking about.
Actual Meaning: We have no idea what we are talking about, this will take twice as long as we expect, or longer.
As used on Craigslist: “We need an editor for a quick and easy job. We have 3 hours of tape that needs to have our logo put up in the corner of the screen. This shouldn’t take too long, and can be done in about an hour. Great experience for students!”
Often seen with: Editor, Experienced, no pay, great opportunity.

Equipment (Provided)
Implied meaning: we have all that you will need, there is no need to rent anything for this project.
Actual Meaning: We were told this would work. Often the equipment was not meant for the job, or is the wrong equipment entirely for the job, or will not work with other equipment that it was intended to.
Example: Kino Ballast for HMI, RCA cable for DVI HD screen, XLR for quarter inch mixer, etc

Equipment (Your Own)
Your own gear, provided to the project, with no mention of a kit fee/rental charges. Renting equipment and charging it to production is not an option, you MUST have everything. EVERYTHING, including expendables, which will not be reimbursed. Insurance is not mentioned, let alone covering your equipment, so when that PA that is there for the great experience and connections drops it, you shouldn’t get too upset, and should have a replacement on hand.

Actual Meaning: Gear that is used during the process of film making. This includes Gaff tape, paper tape, electrical tape, C-47’s, black wrap, Duvetyne, pens, markers, lens cleaners, air cans, sound reports, moleskin, bounce boards, Velcro, zip ties, bulbs, the list can go on and on. THESE THINGS ARE NOT OUT OF POCKET ITEMS.
Meaning on a Low Budget Production: Provided by department, when it runs out, we can find an equivalent, send a PA to the 99 cent store, or do without.
As seen on Craigslist: -Not seen on Craigslist-
See Also: Kit Fee

Implied Meaning: Highly skilled and highly paid professional.
Actual Meaning: Moderately to Highly skilled, not well paid, if at all.
Often seen with: unfortunately, great connections, experience, IMDB.
As seen on Craigslist: “We need a highly experienced DP with all their own gear and a 5 ton truck to light our Award winning short ‘Summers Dawn’. Unfortunately we cant pay you much now, (only $300) but this will be a great crew, and great food.”

Implied Meaning: Prestigious film screening and marketing place, such as Sundance, Cannes, etc.
Actual Meaning: I got accepted at my local High school, community, etc film screening.
Often seen with: Award Winning.

Implied Meaning: you will be fed food that sustains your energy levels and keeps you motivated to continue.
Actual Meaning: You will get (pizza/fast food burgers/tacos/whatever the 99 cent store has) See also Well fed.
Often seen with: Unfortunately, Great experience, copy/credit/food

Great Experience/ Connections / Opportunity
Implied Meaning: You will network and learn a lot from the seasoned pro’s that are also working on this set.
Actual Meaning: You will be used and abused, because we don’t know what we are doing, and neither do the department heads. Actual experience earned will be to watch out for people like us.

Implied Meaning: Prestigious recognition of a recognized source.
Actual Meaning: We think the best are posted on IMDB.
As seen on Craigslist: “DP with extensive IMDB credits”, “Applicants without IMDB credits will not be considered!”
Note: IMDB will post just about any project, and some of the most celebrated festival winners aren’t even listed on IMDB. Not everything created gets placed on IMDB

paperwork guaranteeing compensation for loss. Nonexistent on most No/low budget craigslist productions

Guaranteed no Pay, Also referred to as slave labor.
See Production Assistant, No Pay.

Location (Neeed)
Often searching for Apartment, House, or Mansion. No mentions of insurance, or compensation, aside from copy, credit, ability to eat production food (often pizza), as well as huge appreciation from film makers. If compensation is offered, it is $100-300 a day, or flat fee of $1000. No mention if you will be able to access your place during production.
NOTE: Your place WILL be damaged as a result of a film shoot, no matter how careful people are. That is the nature of the business. Insurance covers that, insist on production insurance, and read it to make sure that it covers damage to your property, as well as injuries to crew on your property. Also, check to see that the insurance is valid! Sad to say, but people will fake their insurance paperwork.

No Pay
Implied Meaning: You will not be paid, compensated for your time, or given any money whatsoever.
Actual Meaning: You wont be paid at all, or compensated for expenses, will be expected to do the impossible, “work” overtime, and be treated like crap.
Often seen with: Great Experience, Excellent Connections
See Also: Slave Labor

Implied Meaning: 1) You will be fairly compensated for your time, experience, and expendables.
2) We are professionals, and want to compensate you fairly.
Actual Meaning: You will receive $125 for your time, experience, and expendables.
NOTE: 1) Most CL posters are not familiar with the term ‘expendables’.
2) $125 is just above Minimum wage, not counting overtime.

Party Scene
Implied Meaning: The shoot will consist of elements of a party, including extra’s drinking, dancing, and having fun. We will shoot this with coverage.
Actual Meaning: We are inviting our friends over, giving them beers, and need you to film it.
As seen on Craigslist: “We will be shooting a party Scene Saturday night, and need Art Dept, a DP, and Sound. No pay, but there will be cute girls and free Beer! Serious Inquires Only”
Often seen with: Unfortunately, great experience, no pay
NOTE: Beer is often included as a form of payment.

See Paid

Production Assistant/PA -
Implied Position & Responsibilities: inexperienced learning position, Driver, “gopher”, coffee fetcher, assistant to whomever needs them on set, trash emptier, odd job completer. Often leads to being invited to join other crew members on future shoots.
Actual Low Budget Position & Responsibilities: same, but often for no pay or appreciation, can be a dead end position.
As seen on Craigslist: “We are looking for an awesome PA to help us out in our busy office, scheduling interviews, casting sessions, and go on lunch runs.” “PA needed to work from home replying to submissions via email for casting. Great Experience!” “Experienced PA needed to assist on set, go on runs, and assist busy producer. No pay, Great Experience! Copy/Credit/Food”

Actual Meaning: Demonstration of abilities on previous projects in the creative sense, such as Director, DP, Editor, Composer, Art Director or Set Designer.
Implied Meaning: Demonstration of abilities.
As seen on Craigslist: “We are looking for an experienced (grip, boom operator, set dresser, PA) for our feature. Please send reels and résumé’s to this address. APPLICATIONS WITHOUT REELS AND RESUME’S WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED!
Note: These positions are not ones that have reel’s. This is analogous to requiring applicants to McDonlads to have previous and extensive work experience in the food service industry, or not bothering applying.

Script Supervisor
Implied Position & Responsibilities: Keeping performances to the script, tracking coverage and shots to ensure that everything was covered for editing, maintaining logs for the editing process, taking continuity photographs and maintaining them for later reference when scenes are later referred to, or reshot.
Actual Low Budget Requirements/Expectations: Picking up the dogshit from the lawn between takes or shoot dates, so we can “maintain continuity”.

See Easy

Sound Mixer
Implied Position & Responsibilities: Upon reviewing script, consulting with camera, lighting, and art department, selects microphones, mixers, and other equipment. Goes on Tech Scouts. Mixes production sound to a recorder and in some cases to camera as well, works with Boom Operator to record clean, crisp audio.
Actual Low Budget Requirements/Expectations: Show up on the day with all necessary equipment without seeing script and get good sound, even though we are shooting next to the (freeway/airport/railroad/playground). Oh, and here is a PA to hold your Boom Pole. He’s getting great experience!

Implied Meaning: We are truly regretful and/or sorry.
Actual Meaning: 1) Bend over and take it, and don't complain.
2) We are incompetent schmucks, and this professional wont put up with our shit.
As seen on craigslist: “Unfortunately, we can not pay you at this time,” “Unfortunately, our (AD/Sound Mixer/PA) had an (emergency/Prior Commitment/mysteriously disappeared), and we need a replacement ASAP.”
Often seen with: Great Connections, Great Experience, Award Winning, Professional

Well Fed -
Implied Meaning: You will get hot, catered meals, and have craft services on set.
Actual Meaning: You get two slices of pizza.
See Also: food, copy/credit/food

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Low budget live music video shoot - WE DONT WORK FOR TIPS!

Date: 2008-08-24, 1:02PM PDT

Wow. Just Wow.

Not only are you asking for highly skilled people to provide their own equipment, you the go on to further insult them by saying tha tthey are not working for PAY, but for TIPS, and that if you like them you will TIP THEM MORE.

You sir, are an Asshole, and I've seen alot of asshole posts on these boards.

Let me expand on why you are insulting your potential employees:
People that work for tips are happy and cheery because they want the extra money.

In essence, they are forcing smiles and kindness to people that abuse and take advantage of them, because they JUST MIGHT give them more money.

In other words, you are implicitly stating that you are gonna be a bunch of dicks, and that if the professional you are "hiring" wants more money, they have to suck it up ad put up with your shit.

To sweeten the deal, you state that this is "a $50 tip for doing what you love and getting more experience."

YOU ARE ONLY HIRING PEOPLE WITH EXPERIENCE. Getting more experience off of your crappy project is not going to happen. The people you are getting are professionals, showing up to work, they are not coming "for the experience". Also, people love to work in this business because they love getting paid for what the love doing.

But you are not paying them, you are tipping them.

Once again, the professional that works for you is getting the shaft, and you are more than happy to give it to them.

Grow up, get some real money, and pay them what they are worth. Better yet, learn how to do what you are asking, and then try doing it, and see how you like it when somebody offers you a $50 tip for a $250 job.


* Location: go f yerself


Low budget live music video shoot seeks sound and camera people (Torrance)
Date: 2008-08-24, 12:54AM PDT

Need reliable person/people for LOW BUDGET indie shoot.
1) to mix FOH/monitors for a small private live music video shoot this Labor Day (Mon Sept 1st noon - 6pm) in Torrance. Experience reqd. $50 "tip" for the right person.

2) camera person for hand held/tripod camera work using small HDV camera(s). Should have experience shooting live music. $50 "tip" for the right person.

This is a live video shoot of my acoustic trio taped in fairly large a/v studio with an audience, but focusing on video/recording. Good experience/Good people. No drama or partying here, just good clean fun recording a fast down and dirty DVD/CD set live in front of some friends. The trio is two guitars with vocals and a cajon player.

Also will consider paying more to the right people. We will be shooting and recording many projects in the future.

* Location: Torrance
* Compensation: Some Pay, but more like a $50 tip for doing what you love and getting more experience.

Friday, August 22, 2008

RE: Photo Assistant needed

Date: 2008-08-22, 3:21PM PDT

This photographer can't POSSIBLY think they're going to get a capable assistant....

Paraphrasing what was originally posted (below):

I'm looking for a skilled photo assistant with the expert knowledge to setup and run two different professional lighting systems for a really important television show shoot on an expensive location.

I want to see your resume, because where you went to school is really important, and I want to see your picture, because I go for attractive over experienced.

I will pay you $8-10 per hour, about the same as the people working the checkout counter at target. You may also have a burrito and some chips when you are not slaving away for me.

* Location: West Hollywood
* Compensation: pocket change

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Photo Assistant needed
Date: 2008-08-22, 1:01PM PDT

Please note : Resume must be in the body of your email, also include a photograph, 2 references and a contact number.

If these are not included, your email will be deleted.

Photographer's Assistant needed for reality show shoot, taking place in a multi million dollar mansion in the West Hollywood Hills.

Show is a national bikini modelling competition and is already scheduled for air time.

Must know both Dyna-lite & Profoto and systems.

* Location: West Hollywood
* Compensation: $100 cash plus credit & lunch

Saturday, August 16, 2008

RE: POLITE Cameraman Needed for Reel-Building Experience

Date: 2008-08-16, 11:53AM PDT

I understand that for some people, working for free is a way to gain experience and make contacts and I won't even go into the pros and cons of doing that....

Asking someone to donate their time AND their equipment (camera and lights) that they've invested thousands of dollars with the excuse that "we cannot afford to rent one" is beyond outrageous and idiotic. WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT so someone else's hard earned investment? Why would I loan my expensive gear to a perfect stranger who I don't know from Jack?

How about this: YOU go out and buy your own camera and lights, get into debt by putting it on your credit card, spend months paying it off with interest and THEN get on CL and offer it for free to anyone and everyone (plus your free time and gas).

I guess just because you fashion yourself a "director" is all you need to get people to hand over their expensive property to you.

* Location: GET A CLUE
* Compensation: FLAG FLAG FLAG the idiots



POLITE Cameraman Needed for Reel-Building Experience (Burbank)

Reply to:
Date: 2008-08-16, 11:15AM PDT

I am interested in finding a Cameraman to work as a partner with me on a How-To video. It is strongly preferred that you have your own camera, as this is a NO-budget project (for everyone involved, including us) so we cannot afford to rent one. Having your own lighting kit is also a bonus.

What I would like from you: Resume and a Reel if you have one. Since we will be working closely together, I want to make certain that our styles mesh well.

At this time I am actively looking for a Cameraman, but if you have equipment such as a lighting kit and just want to be part of the crew, we would be glad to have you on board as well.

Requirements: A dependable mode of transportation and a high personal work ethic.

What you'll get: Copy/Credit/Sushi

This how-to will air on an online network, as well with possibly other venues, including Tivo and mobile devices associated with the network.

I would like you to understand that I am looking for a creative partner, not an employee. I hope this can be a rewarding, reel building experience for both of us.

Location: Burbank
Compensation: Deferred

Friday, August 15, 2008

Greens Department, Defered Pay, Great Connections

Date: 2008-08-14, 4:46PM

Hi, I'm an award winning producer, and I am looking for a head landscaper to take care of my estate.
This job has great connections.
You must be an experienced landscape architect, and have your work featured in magazines, or TV shows.
Oh, and you should be willing to go on coffe runs as my head landscaper too, because I am such an important producer.
YOU MUST have access to all your own equipment, such as a Large riding tractor lawnmower, pruning shears, fertilizer, etc. I dont know much about this, or what you do, but you must have all of it.
You must have access to a crew of landscapers, all of whom have experience, and have been with you for a while. All of them must be willing to work for no pay initially.
It is about 3.5 acres of lush green grass, with a few boulders for aesthetic reasons, and a beautiful fountain. It has high palm fronds, and a beautiful pool with rock that was imported stone by stone from Itally. Your work should complemient my tastes.
This job is for deferred pay. If I win an award in the community gardens competition that I am entering, then I will contact you to give you money. I have already talked to some of the judges, so it is a sure thing!
Looking forwards to many happy days of you working for me!

Compensation: Sun and Fun

Saturday, August 9, 2008

To those posting gigs for no pay!

Date: 2008-08-09, 12:07AM PDT

How do you feel about the fact that non-legit companies flagged this origional posting for removal within 30 minutes of listing!!!

To those offering no-pay!!!

You are demeaning yourself by putting out ads for no pay. Are you not intending to make a profit? Even if this is experimental and you have a low budget you still pay your crew. There are enough rip off artist out there running BS production companies; if you would like to add yourself then I am willing to post you up. Many of us are seasoned professionals and have worked hard to establish ourselves over the years. We are not fly by night wanna-be's and are tired of scum like you polluting our industry.

Please reply to this posting from either side of the fence... A web site will launch soon!!!

* Location: Socal
* Compensation: Stop insulting the people whom actually work in entertainment...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

ATT: STEADI-CAM OP. w/ RIG ad from "" -

Date: 2008-08-05, 7:38PM PDT

I just came across this ad from "" below looking for an EXPERIENCED steadicam operator to fly the F900 for $250/day on a feature for 4 days and I am insulted. Number one... no EXPERIENCED operator in their right mind with the rig that can fly the F900 would or should take the job. In order to support the weight and the power consumption of the camera with the necessary wireless focus and maybe a video transmitter your kit has to be worth above $35k unless you are flying a knock off like the basson. At least cover the rental cost... in the minimum range of at least 800/day and maybe... just maybe the $250 for camera operating which will bring it to $1050 and that is nothing because most of us... EXPERIENCED operators with rigs worth $68K don't get out of bed for less than $1500/Day. This is insulting to the steadicam community and the men and women that carry 70bl rigs for hours in order to execute the shots your script need and above all... it diminish what our services are worth. This makes me question the person who posted the ad looking for a cheap EXPERIENCED operator.

Am I wrong here?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>STEADI-CAM OP. w/ RIG needed for feature film (Los Angeles)
Reply to:
Date: 2008-08-05, 3:58PM PDT

We are currently looking for an experienced STEADI-CAM operator with their own rig to fly a Sony F900 for 4 days on a feature film, shooting in the last week of August. We can offer $250 per day, plus meals.

* Compensation: $250

Film Finance 101 (Reality)

Date: 2008-08-05, 8:57PM PDT

If you can't pay your crew, you can't make your movie. If you can afford to rent a top tier HD camera you can afford to pay your camera or lighting dept. If you cant? Don't get top tier gear because you and the crew you are "hiring" won't be able to operate it correctly, making it as useful as a handycam.

Good crews make good movies. Good crews cost money. No money, No Crew, No movie.

* Location: Reality
* Compensation: $1,000,000

Friday, August 1, 2008

Landscaper Needed! Must Have own Equipment, Defered Pay OK!

Date: 2008-08-01, 8:03PM PDT

Hi, I'm an award winning producer, and I am looking for a head landscaper to take care of my estate.

This job has great connections.

You must be an experienced landscape architect, and have your work featured in magazines, or TV shows.

Oh, and you should be willing to go on coffe runs as my head landscaper too, because I am such an important producer.

YOU MUST have access to all your own equipment, such as a Large riding tractor lawnmower, pruning shears, fertilizer, etc. I dont know much about this, or what you do, but you must have all of it.

You must have access to a crew of landscapers, all of whom have experience, and have been with you for a while. All of them must be willing to work for no pay initially.

It is about 3.5 acres of lush green grass, with a few boulders for aesthetic reasons, and a beautiful fountain. It has high palm fronds, and a beautiful pool with rock that was imported stone by stone from Itally. Your work should complemient my tastes.

This job is for deferred pay. If I win an award in the community gardens competition that I am entering, then I will contact you to give you money. I have already talked to some of the judges, so it is a sure thing!


Looking forwards to many happy days of you working for me!

* Compensation: Knowledge of Jerks

Copy Credit Meals

Date: 2008-08-01, 3:01PM PDT

Please take a look at the following posting:

Reply to:
Date: 2008-08-01, 2:41PM PDT

Short low budget film (20-25 minutes), is looking for Grips, Gaffers, and P.A’s to shoot from August 16th to the 20th. So for those of you who have experience and are looking forward to work with a very talented young award winning director and a great cast. There is no pay but we will provide food, copy, and credit.

please respode with your contact info.
* Location: los angeles
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
* Compensation: no pay

No pay....4 days of work...award winning director. ONCE AGAIN, these idiots think they can dazzle people with words like "award winning". Award winning means they can afford to pay people. At least give them gas...

Here is what I invite everyone who is tired of working for free. Get as much info about the project as possible. Then...notify the California Labor Board. It is illegal to work for free. Minimum wage is 8 dollars an hour.

We need to strike back at these moochs.

"Warning the world, one job at a time"

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Date: 2008-07-17, 11:29AM PDT

Why does this town think that all Art Department people should work for free? Get it out of your heads that property, scenics, designers, construction and set dressers should work for credit?!? It's as hard if not harder than any other person on set and requires more fine skills.

DON'T POST IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO PAY. Get a PA, but then again, you'd probably pay a PA.

* Compensation: PAY EVERYONE


Date: 2008-07-17, 4:25PM PDT

I agree with everything you have to say - - please don't expect us to work for free. We have worked really hard to hone our skills and it requires a touch and sensibility that not every monkey with a color wheel has. Additionally - how does everyone expect the PD to work alone, drive a huge truck, work all night to get dressing onto the set and stay alive in the process! These jobs always end up being a rush to put something in front of the camera, and really never end up allowing for true design. Have some respect.

* Location: art dept

RE: Looking for experience as PA? (brainless)

Date: 2008-07-17, 4:00PM PDT

$10 a day? Do you gleefully cackle like some mad scientist while you post ads like these?

$10 a day? That's not even an Internship. That's insulting.

I would ask if you are out of your mind but I am sure I know the answer to that one.

Please flag this message as 'Best of Craigslist' unless you actually enjoy the prospect of working for $10 a day.

* Location: brainless
* Compensation: your dignity

Original Post:

Looking for experience as PA? (LA/Valley)
Date: 2008-07-17, 3:22PM PDT

Very low budget short film needs a few good PA's next week. Please email resume or brief description of skills & experience, and I will happily get back to you with more info about the film and specific dates, locations, etc.

* Location: LA/Valley
* Compensation: $10 a day (gas) + meals

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pay for Your Photographer People!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 2008-07-15, 9:50PM PDT

Here's a thought..... Photographer's don't work for free!!!! Get a clue people! You don't work for free and neither do we!

So you'll give us exposure... Wow! I wonder if I can make my car payment with that!

Oh, and let's not forget the people who will feed us instead of pay us! Hmm... Should we roll over and play fetch for you too?

And last but not least.... All you wantabe models, actors or whatever you call yourselves, enough with the tfp!

How about ttp! (time to pay!)

* Location: La La Land
* Compensation: You work for free and see how you like it!

Monday, July 14, 2008

RE: FYI Producers, make up artists,

Date: 2008-07-14, 1:23PM

heres a little something for ADs having a seperate make up and hair person cuts trailer time in half, might be worth the extra money huh?
If you dont a pay a kit fee, dont get upset when there are NO disposables on set i.e sponges wipes skin care, hygene, sunscreen etc.
Original post
i know this site is mainly used by low budget/student films looking for crews, so i'm going to fill you in on some key things yu should know:
1.Make-up and Hair: 2 different people and jobs. don't assume we do both. most do not. (fun fact: when trying to gets days towards the Local 706 union, if someone is credited as make-up AND hair, only half the days count towards qualifying.)
2.kit fee: be prepared to pay it,even if you're not paying a day rate. a kit fee is to replace disposables and product used on set (sponges,baby wipes,product,etc). think of it as renting a car and having to return it with the same amount of gas as you took it off the lot with. why should that $ come out of our pockets- it's your little movie.
3.Time: Don't expect us to be able to make a full body monster costume in 2 days with $100 budget. with this stuff, you get what you pay for.
i'm not trying to be snotty or anything, but after reading dozens of adds for makeup artists, all making these mistakes, i just felt i had to mention it. because its not fair to us. So, good luck with everyones projects, and hopefully we'll all get to work on big budget shows so we don't even have to look at this website for gigs anymore!!!!!!!!

Location: hollywould
Compensation: get what you pay for :-)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

RE:Editor Needed for Band's US Tour Footage on HD

Date: 2008-07-12, 11:02AM PDT

Guys, you probably know something about music, but let me educate you a little about editing.

You're asking someone to take 200 hours of footage, edit 30 webisodes (5 minutes each), one trailer and one music video... and you need it in TWO weeks, paying TWO grand?

200 hours of footage is 4 full time weeks. (How could you even shoot so much in eleven weeks? Rolling camera non-stop 6 hours a day with no weekends?) Experienced editor will not sit and watch all of it, but even to familiarize himself with it and log properly he needs at least a week!

30 episodes, 5 minutes each make 150 minutes. It's over two hours of screening time, like big ass feature. You know how long feature film takes to edit? Two months minimum, and this is with script, camera logs, circled takes etc. You have random documentary footage, and you want it MTV style, that is 1/2 sec. cuts and staff? Multiply time by 4.

Music video is HUGE piece of work (if done right) as well as a trailer. Each takes 2-4 weeks of work.

But most you need to know is how much you should pay to someone, who knows the craft and has the equipment. The lowest CL rate is $25/hr, and this is to someone who is still student and will be learning as he goes (multiply your time by 3). Someone with experience will charge $40-$100/hr (DOE)

So, please change your unrealistic expectations or be prepared to fail miserably.

Clients, please read and don't humiliate creative talent with your offers.
Editors, don't pick up jobs which bring down prices and quality. We deserve to be paid well for our good work.

* Location: Venice

Re:RE:Editor Needed for Band's US Tour Footage on HD

Date: 2008-07-13, 1:05PM PDT

I completely agree with you. The problem is there are so many editors that are willing to work for $10-$15/hour that brings the value of editors down. Of course they are amateurs, so the client will get what they pay for, but it actually hurts all of us. If we would all agree to work for a minimum amount then we could actually make a change. Just my two cents...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

re: copy, credit, and meals as compensation (Seriously)

Date: 2008-07-10, 11:24AM PDT

Who are you people? First of all, do it yourself if it's such a great project to work on. Second, don't ask for experienced professionals to work for no pay. Third, we don't want a copy or credit for your stupid project that won't help our reel be any more professional because your project isn't professional.

Get real.

Pay the people you need to make your stupid project. If it was so great or professional it would have a budget!

Note to newcomers: Do not work for these people. It does not help you gain any real experience, unless you are looking to find out how NOT to run a production.

* Location: Seriously
* Compensation: going professional rate

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

FREE Photoshoot for Barter??

Date: 2008-07-01, 2:49PM

Does anyone here NOT respect the art and skill of photography? Just because we are working "freelance" does not mean that we do not take our work seriously, and should not be respected as such.
Why are there so many TFCD or NO Pay ads here? Are we not to be paid for all of our hard work, years of experience, photoshop editing skills, and carrying around all of our EXPENSIVE professional gear?
Do you all really think we do this just for fun, or that because it is somewhat of a hobby of ours that we should not be paid!?! Seriously, if our work was not really worth anything, you'd have your best friend's mom snap a couple of your "modeling" pics with her point and shoot camera...but no, you don't want that! You want professional grade work for FREE, TRADE or CREDITS!! Who cares about credits if you're an up-and-coming "model"?!?! We don't even know who you are, so why would your "credits" offer be of any value to us?
We want to be PAID for our hard work and services that you seek!!!
So please, stop with the disrespect, and offer us fair compensation for our skills that you so desire, and stop trying to devalue it be offering credits, or "FUTURE DEALS".....get real!!

Location: LA, LB and OC
Compensation: There should ALWAYS be Pay!!!

Re: Production Crew

Date: 2008-07-01, 2:52PM

Seems like a bad idea to "work" for someone who's only willing to pay some members of their crew. Last time I checked, the make-up artist, wardrobe supervisor, art director, key grip, gaffer, sound mixer and yes even the prop master (no they don't work for the Art Director, they work with the Production Designer to carry out their vision, but are in charge of their own crew, much like Gaffer works with the Director of Photography) were all Key Positions, and as such, should all be paid equally. On the last show I was on, that was about $36/hr. for the first 8, then the overtime kicked in.
Work for whomever you want, just remember there's a reason they only pay some of the crew.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Production Crew
Reply to:
Date: 2008-07-01, 1:33PM PDT

Ultimax Films is seeking the following crew members for a short thriller to be shot from July 18 through July 20 in the Westwood area:
Line Producer, paid
Script supervisor, no pay
Assistant director, no pay
Sound mixer, paid
Property master, no pay
Craft service personnel, no pay
Caterer, paid
Wardrobe, no pay
Make-up artist, paid
Special Effects make-up artist, paid
Production assistants, no pay
Art director, no pay
Director of photography, paid
Grip/gaffer, no pay

Location: Los Angeles

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Photographers, U N I T E . . . . . .

Date: 2008-06-23, 7:20PM PDT

To all photographers: STOP WORKING FOR FREE.
Never before did photographers work assignments for free. If you are building your portfolio, work on a commission, percentage basis. Do not work for free. These companies, 'artists' are there to make a buck. Please, let it not be on your time and talent!
You are only hurting yourself. And the industry.
Daily rate used to be in the thousands of dollars. Now, you're lucky when you can get $1,000.00-$1,200.00 a day.
Good luck, and hold your ground!!!!!!

* Location: Los Angeles


Photographers U N I T E, part 2 (Los Angeles)
Reply to:
Date: 2008-06-24, 6:14PM PDT

Good afternoon.
No matter what your level is or what field of photography you are in, NEVER work an assignment for free. That means if somebody needs the services, they have to pay for it. It doesn't matter what kind of photography it is, because there is money to be made by a photographer!!!
if you are starting, you obviously need to practice. Do it with and for people that don't need it!!! Headshots? Friends... Products? You buy and return, or you shoot what your friends or family just bought...
If you give it for free, then it is worth nothing... And then people start thinking that photography is worth nothing, and we are where we are now. You will hurt yourself anyway, because people will think that it is not worth much, because people on Craigslist are doing it for cheap or free... We need to educate people, buyers and sellers alike.
So, please, always charge for your services. You are building a career, not a hobby!!!

* Location: Los Angeles
* Compensation: education

Monday, June 23, 2008

RE: Producer/Editor Needed- 3 yrs experince required, and NO PAY?! HA!

Date: 2008-06-23, 1:44PM PDT

So, you want somebody who has 3 years experience as a PRODUCER, who will also be your AVID EDITOR, and be fluent in a second language, to quit their job, and work for you, for free?

OMG, you must be insane, or full of yourself, or some insane kid that is full of themselves!

Do you think that they got all of this experience and training so that they could work for you for free?

Seriously. Thanks for the laughs.

* Location: LOL'sville

>>>>>>>>>>>Producer/Editor Needed (West Hollywood)
Date: 2008-06-23, 1:00PM PDT

I am looking for a producer/editor to begin work immediately. Qualified candidates must have previous television production experience, have firm grasp of television writing and be very familiar with Avid.

Please take a look at the job description below and send me your resume, if you're qualified and interested.


• Write scripts, edit material, conduct interviews and b-roll shoots for various types of original, short form programming for television.
• Collaborate with Supervising Producer and Creative Director to insure integrity of the current, on-air “look”.
• Work in Smoke and with On Air Design in graphic package production and other graphics for spots.
• Generate new ideas for short form material.
• Responsible for filling out paperwork and working with other departments to facilitate production and delivery of material.
• Assist Supervising Producer in managing production schedule and delivery goals.
• Assist in versioning of spots, audio sweetening and quality assurance produced spots when necessary.

• Three years experience writing and producing for television broadcasts.
• Excellent writing, interviewing and field production skills.
• Proficient skills in utilization of Avid edit system.
• Must be responsible, accurate, creative, organized, self-motivated and able to work under pressure.
• Fluency in second language other than English very strongly preferred.

* Location: West Hollywood
* Compensation: no pay

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Date: 2008-06-19, 8:41PM PDT

Why should we fund post-production for a project you didn't even bother to budget for?

Our equipment +
Our Weeks of labor+
Your incompetence =

You make money, We lose money. That's slave labor. What's in it for us?

Flag these losers.

* Location: Slave land

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Production...

A New film is now casting about a cadre of deadbeat producer/directors who, after being forced at gunpoint by a psychotic part time stand in, Begin to understand that in order to call themselves professionals, They Have to actually PAY THEIR CREW!
Soon afterward they have a successful film and wonder why they tried to do it any other way...
Casting begins soon - send all submissions to this address.

* Location: Long Beach

Monday, June 16, 2008

Re: Photographer with Stylist(s) (Anywhere)

Date: 2008-06-16, 12:24PM PDT

Why don't you take your DEMANDS elsewhere! MUST? have EDITED and Portfolio ready images in 3 weeks?? It's not the time frame, it's your attitude that stinks and your demands for RETOUCHED images....Why should I shoot you for FREE and then provide you with retouched images? How about you tell us THAT in your ad.
What makes you so special that I would want to shoot you? Anyone with WORTH and the experience to get the shots you want is thinking this.

If you want Pictures that will get YOU work, you need to pay the photographer who WORKED to get you the pictures. period.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Photographer with Stylist(s) (Santa Monica)
Date: 2008-06-16, 11:33AM PDT

I'm female, natural blonde, green eyes, 34C-24-34, repped for commercial and print.

I need commercial images for my book, and glamor images for magazine submissions. Let me know which you are interested in.

Reply with shoot details and URL. Thanks!

Must return edited, portfolio-ready images (9x12) within 3 weeks of the shoot.

* Location: Santa Monica
* Compensation: no pay

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Awesome Gig with A List Celebrity, Need Director

Date: 2008-05-29, 1:55PM PDT

This is not a con or a gimmick, this is a highly professional group
of people and requires absolutely integrity and professionalism.

About you:

Own your own equipment, preferably HD RED Camera or HVX, with cards
Own your own editing, Avid or FCP, must be professional at editing
Own your own audio mixing equipment, mics, boom, shotgun, and wireless lavalier
Own a professional tripod
Own a solid light kit that you know how to work
Have your own permits and licenses to shoot
Have an ability to write scripts
Have money to see the project into completion

About Us:

We are basically users that want to get stuff for free
Our idea is this:
You write, direct, provide all the equipment, money, and talent, then you edit the project on your own, then you market it and pay for its release and send it to film festivals or seek your own distribution. Then, since we thought of this idea for you to get off your butt and do this, you give us producer credit. Then maybe we will add you to our myspace page.


You get paid nothing
That's right, absolutely nothing
For working for us, you get 0
And then we just get all the credit
But this will help you build up your reel
you will get 2nd AD credit on the film
We will get you an A List Celebrity, who was an extra once on the A-Team
And you must be willing to provide your own mileage and meals/lodging, etc..

So look, if you are a masochist, send us your resume with a sample of your reel, and we will get back to you if we are interested in having you do this..
We are highly creative

* Location: West Hollywood
* Compensation: Profit Points in Possible Sequel Only